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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Overseas exhibition

Date of issue: 2016-08-03 Author: Click:

Shanghai Fangxing was appointed by Mr Adam Hang led the team with high-precision online weighing detector and omnipotent Labeling machine The products were presented at the 2012 and 2013 Brazil International Food, Beverage Processing and Packaging Industry Expositions held at the Anbembi Park Pavilion in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and received excellent evaluation and display results. In June 2013, the company took the honey filling machine and multi-functional labeling machine to the exhibition again.
At present, the company's customers in Brazil are mainly pharmaceutical, propolis and chili paste manufacturers, and their scale is relatively small. Shanghai Fangxing products can fully meet their requirements of small-scale and multi specification, so they are popular.

Related labels: Soup bag counting machine

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