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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

What is the packing line of several pieces

Date of issue: 2022-08-25 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

 Granulator, price of granulator, granulator manufacturer.jpg

The multi package production line is the general name of a system. It is generally composed of several different packaging machines and transmission belts. The products in production or the products that have been processed are transported to the packaging production line for packaging and processing. After completion, they are sent out to become complete products that are convenient for transportation.

Manufacturers generally have their own packaging production line. The multi grain packaging production line is applicable to the multi grain and packaging production of drugs and food. It can greatly improve labor efficiency and accuracy.

The packaging process of the multi grain packaging production line includes the main working procedures such as bottle sorting, counting, cotton tamping, capping, sealing and labeling.

Characteristics of several grain lines

With the development of science and technology, several lines are automated, and the normal working state is no need for personnel to watch; The characteristics of the whole production line are: the conveyor belt automatically completes all production processes such as feeding, filling and bag making, printing date, and finished product output; Using plc control system, high precision, fast speed, no broken material; With strong continuity, it can achieve absolute vacuum packaging to prevent air bacterial pollution.

Related labels: Several packaging lines

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