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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Imported specific drug ritonavir tablets

Date of issue: 2023-01-09 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

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The new coronavirus refers to a new type of coronavirus infection. The imported specific drug is PF-07321332/ritonavir tablet (Paxlovid), which is applicable to people over 12 years old with mild and ordinary types within 5 days of onset, and accompanied by severe high-risk factors. If combined with other drugs, they should strictly follow the doctor's advice.

PF-07321332/Paxlovid is approved in China as a combination package of nimativir tablets/ritonavir tablets, which belongs to oral small molecule new coronavirus infection treatment drugs. The components of nematvir can inhibit the activity of the novel coronavirus protease, thereby preventing virus replication. Litonavir is a protease inhibitor for the treatment of HIV, which has no effect on COVID-19 infection, but it can increase the pharmacokinetics, slow down the decomposition of nematvir, make it have a higher concentration in the body, stay longer, thus increasing the drug utilization. The combination of the two drugs has good effect.

Method of administration

If it needs to be used on an empty stomach, it should be swallowed as a whole, not crushed; The recommended dose is 5mg per time for adult patients, once a day; The course of treatment for COVID-19 should not exceed 14 days at most.

Specification: 1mg/tablet, 35 tablets/bottle.

1. The drug composition is different: the combined packaging of nematevir tablets/ritonavir tablets is composed of two drugs: nematevir tablets and ritonavir tablets. The main drug components are nematevir and ritonavir, and the two drugs must be taken at the same time, otherwise the blood concentration of nematevir cannot achieve the desired therapeutic effect. Azovudine tablet has only one drug, and its main drug component is Azovudine;

2. Drug specifications are different: there are 30 tablets in a box in the combined package of nematevir tablets/ritonavir tablets, including 20 tablets of nematevir and 10 tablets of ritonavir. The two drugs must be taken at the same time, otherwise the blood concentration of nematevir cannot achieve the desired therapeutic effect, while a box of 35 tablets of Azovudine tablets;

3. Pharmacological effects are different: in the combined packaging of nimativir tablets and ritonavir tablets, nimativir is a peptide like inhibitor of the new coronavirus 3CL protease, which can block the replication of the new coronavirus by blocking the activity of the new coronavirus 3CL protease; Litonavir can slow down the catabolism or metabolism of nematvir, maintain its effective concentration in the body for a long time, and increase its antiviral activity. Azovudine is a broad-spectrum RNA virus inhibitor, which can specifically act on the new coronavirus polymerase, embed viral RNA in the process of new coronavirus RNA synthesis, thus inhibiting the replication of new coronavirus and achieving the effect of treating new coronavirus infection.

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Related labels: Tablet counting machine

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