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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Who are the key groups to protect against COVID-19?

Date of issue: 2023-01-18 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:


1、 Key groups:

The population with high exposure risk, high transmission risk and low resistance to COVID-19, including medical staff, security guards, sanitation workers, cleaners, transportation workers, express delivery workers, public service personnel, the elderly, patients with chronic basic diseases, pregnant women, children, disabled people, etc. "The average age of death cases is 80.3 years old, and about 90.1% of them are 65 years old and above, of which about 56.5% are 80 years old and above. More than 90% of death cases are accompanied by basic diseases, mainly including cardiovascular diseases, advanced tumors, cerebrovascular diseases, respiratory diseases, metabolic diseases, and renal insufficiency." Jiao Yahui pointed out that, Since winter itself is the season of high incidence of respiratory diseases and aggravation of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases for the elderly, and recently it is superimposed with COVID-19 infection, the number of deaths of the elderly is relatively high, which suggests that more attention should be paid to elderly patients and efforts should be made to save their lives.

2、 Key areas

During the COVID-19 epidemic, places with dense population and high mobility that are prone to outbreak of cluster epidemic include: stations, airports, docks, public transport, fitness and entertainment places (chess and card rooms, mahjong halls, dance halls).

Hairdressing and bathing places, farmers' markets (fairs), shopping malls, supermarkets, theaters, stadiums, conference centers, libraries, museums, art galleries and other indoor venues, commodity exhibition and after-sales service venues, religious activities venues, etc.

The epidemic prevention and control measures mainly include the following aspects:

1. Take the initiative to do a good job of health monitoring, and take the initiative to measure the temperature when you feel feverish. In case of suspicious symptoms, you should take the initiative to wear a mask and go to the nearest doctor in time.

2. The office shall be ventilated and cleaned, and equipped with hand sanitizer, disinfectant and other protective articles. The canteen is also a crowded place, so it is recommended to eat off peak to reduce the gathering.

3. Pay attention to nutrition and exercise moderately.

4. If there are no suspicious symptoms before travel, you can travel normally. In case of suspicious symptoms, it is recommended to take a rest at home and seek medical treatment on the spot, and then leave after the symptoms disappear.

Shanghai Fangxing Machinery Packaging Co., Ltd Several grain packaging machine Manufacturer Several grain packaging machine The tablets or capsules can be bottled or packed in bags or boxes. The number of grain packaging machines is sufficient in stock, which can stably transport several grain packaging machines and various kinds of grain packaging equipment for various pharmaceutical enterprises. Contribute to the epidemic!

Related labels: Price of granulator

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