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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

What should be paid attention to when purchasing a full-automatic granulator?

Date of issue: 2023-02-10 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

 Granulator, electronic granulator, granulator price, granulator manufacturer, counter JPG

A good one Granulator The equipment generally needs to be inspected in terms of reliability, applicability, safety, operability, etc.

1. Applicability of the tablet counting machine: different drug types can be counted. Fully compatible tablets (various shapes) and capsules (transparent, opaque soft or hard capsules) are preferred. The pill counting machine (soft or hard) can also be flexibly adjusted and adapted to different specifications of packaging bottles, so that a production line can adapt to different drugs, saving costs and factory space.

2. Accuracy of the granulator: generally, there are four links that affect the filling accuracy of the granulator. The first is photoelectric sensor, the second is bin dividing mechanism, the third is blanking port, and the fourth is bottle feeding mechanism. The equipment shall adopt high dust resistant sensing technology to ensure continuous and reliable counting even if it works at high speed for a long time. Secondly, the design and manufacture of each mechanism should be scientific, reasonable and reliable. At the same time, the working status of each mechanism must be monitored comprehensively and in real time. Once abnormalities are found, alarm and execute corresponding actions in a timely manner.

3. Operation simplicity of the granulator: the granulator shall be easy to adjust, operate and clean.

4. Safety of the granulator: including the operation safety in the packaging process and the need to select safe materials for the protection of drug quality.

5. The selection of a formal enterprise should not only listen to the introduction of the manufacturer, but also go to the site to observe and investigate all aspects of the automatic granulator used in the laboratory, so that we can understand it and know it well. After sales services should also be selected well. This is very important in the late use period. When problems occur, they can be solved quickly.

The above is the precautions for purchasing the granulator.

Shanghai Fangxing Machinery Packaging Co., Ltd Several grain packaging machine Manufacturer Several grain packaging machine The tablets or capsules can be bottled or packed in bags or boxes. The number of grain packaging machines is sufficient in stock, which can stably transport several grain packaging machines and various kinds of grain packaging equipment for various pharmaceutical enterprises.

Related labels: Capsule counting machine

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