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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

How to adjust the torque of the filling capping machine?

Date of issue: 2023-06-13 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

 Counting machine, electronic counting machine, counting machine price, counting machine manufacturer, counting machine, counting packaging machine.jpg

1. First, confirm that Capping machine Check whether the torque adjustment device of is working properly.

2. Open the adjustment panel of the machine and select the corresponding torque adjustment option.

3. As required, set the torque value to the required range according to the instructions on the machine operation manual.

4. Start the machine and carry out some test runs to confirm the accuracy of torque.

5. If the torque is found to be insufficient or too large, it can be adjusted again until a satisfactory effect is achieved.

Please note that in order to ensure the effectiveness of adjustment and the safety of operation, the torque should be adjusted carefully and follow the instructions of the machine.

Related labels: Price of granulator

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