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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

How to count and pack dental floss?

Date of issue: 2023-06-28 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

 Granulator, electronic granulator, price of granulator, granulator manufacturer, photoelectric granulator, floss package.jpg

The counting and packaging of dental floss is usually determined according to the packaging specification and the quantity to be packaged. Generally speaking, the number of floss packages will be indicated on the floss packaging bag or bottle, such as how many floss are contained in a box or bottle.

photoelectricity Granulator It is a kind of equipment that uses photoelectric sensing technology to count materials. It detects and counts materials through a photoelectric sensor. When materials pass through the sensor, the sensor will send a signal for counting. The working principle is to identify and count the photoelectric characteristics of materials using photoelectric sensors.

Photoelectric granulator Medical 304 material is generally used, which is a stainless steel material with good corrosion resistance and is applicable to the requirements of the medical industry.

Photoelectric granulator It can be used in many industries, including medicine, food, hardware, etc. In the pharmaceutical industry, the photoelectric counting machine can be used to count the tablets, capsules, etc. in the pharmaceutical packaging; In the food industry, it can be used for counting and packaging of vacuum packaged snacks, sweets, etc; In the hardware industry, it can be used for counting and packaging screws, gaskets, etc.

As for the counted packaging form, different packaging methods such as bagging, bottling or boxed packaging can be selected according to the needs.

Related labels: Counting packaging machine

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