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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

How to count and pack pet chondroitin?

Date of issue: 2023-07-20 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

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Pet chondroitin is usually counted according to the number of packages. have access to Electronic granulator for pet health products To count and package. The electronic granulator first puts pet health care products into the hopper, then shakes them down one by one by the vibrator in the hopper, and senses and counts them by sensors. This can quickly and accurately count pet health products.

1. Fast and accurate: compared with manual counting, Electronic granulator It can count a large number of pet health products quickly and efficiently, and it is accurate.

2. Labor saving: The use of electronic granulator can save human resources and improve work efficiency.

Relative to manual counting, use Electronic granulator The main difference lies in speed and accuracy. Manual counting may cause errors due to human factors, and the speed is relatively slow. The electronic granulator can greatly improve the accuracy and speed of counting.

Almost all pet health care products with regular shape and consistent weight can be counted with an electronic granulator. For example, tablets, granules, etc.

After several capsules, it can be used together with the packaging machine. According to the needs of different packaging forms, bags, boxes or bottles can be selected. This can further improve the efficiency and accuracy of packaging.

Use of pet health products Electronic granulator It can improve the accuracy, speed and efficiency of counting, and can choose different packaging forms according to needs.

Related labels: Granulator , Electronic granulator , Price of granulator , Granulator manufacturer , Pet health products , chondroitin

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