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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

How to choose a good granulator for Chinese medicine pills and health pills?

Date of issue: 2023-08-16 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

 Pill Counter.jpg

Pill counting machine Advantages of:

1. Speed and accuracy: The pill counting machine should have fast and accurate counting ability to improve production efficiency. Selecting a granulator with high-speed dynamic scanning counting function can better meet the demand.

2. Control system: Granulator PLC control system shall be adopted to ensure stable operation and accurate counting. PLC control system can also realize automatic shutdown, fault indication alarm and other functions to improve the safety and reliability of equipment.

3. Automatic bottle conveying and system self inspection: a good granulator should be equipped with an automatic bottle conveying system, which can easily and quickly bottle the counted pills. The system self-test function can help to find and solve equipment faults in time, and reduce downtime and maintenance costs.

4. Other packaging machinery can be matched: granulator and Capping machine Aluminum foil sealing machine Labeling machine Such packaging machinery can achieve better results and improve the production efficiency and product quality of the overall packaging line.

To sum up, choose one Electronic granulator It should pay attention to its working principle (such as dynamic scanning counting), control system (such as PLC control), bottle conveying system, self inspection function, ability to match other packaging machinery, etc. This can ensure that the pill counting machine has high-speed, accurate and stable counting and bottling capacity, and improve production efficiency and product quality.

Related labels: Granulator , Electronic granulator , Price of granulator , Granulator manufacturer , Meatball , Traditional Chinese Medicine Pills , Health pills

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