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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Welcome the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day

Date of issue: 2023-09-28 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:


Welcome the Double Festival, Mid Autumn Festival and National Day! The Mid Autumn Festival and the National Day are two important traditional festivals in China. People celebrate these two festivals in various ways.

In the Mid Autumn Festival, people will get together with their families and share delicious food. The most classic is to enjoy the moon. Family and friends get together, enjoy the bright full moon, and taste the moon cakes. At this moment, the happiness of reunion is permeated in everyone's heart. In addition, people will also hold various cultural activities, such as dragon and lion dances, riddles and crossword puzzles, to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival.

National Day is an important day to celebrate the founding of the People's Republic of China. People will raise the flag, watch the ceremony, and hold a grand military parade to express their love for the motherland. Many people will also choose to travel during this holiday to explore the beautiful scenery and rich culture of the motherland. In addition, people also like to hold various celebration activities on this day, such as holding a party, hanging lights, setting off fireworks, etc., to jointly welcome the moment of prosperity of the motherland.

The Mid Autumn Festival and the National Day are both traditional and modern festivals. Whether we are reuniting with family and friends or feeling proud in the embrace of the motherland, the celebrations are full of happiness and joy. Shanghai Fangxing Packaging Machinery wishes everyone a happy double festival! Let's celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day together and feel the warmth and pride brought by these two festivals!

Related labels: Granulator , Electronic granulator , Price of granulator , Granulator manufacturer , Counter , Counting packaging machine

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