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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

How to choose a good granulator for jujube and wolfberry?

Date of issue: 2023-11-17 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

 Jujube and medlar granulator. jpg

Duobao tea is generally composed of black tea, green tea, chrysanthemum, medlar, red jujube and other ingredients.

The quantity of jujube and wolfberry in Duobao tea is mostly calculated by particles, depending on the design and manufacturer of the product. The components of jujube and lycium barbarum in the product can be expressed more intuitively and accurately by particle calculation. In addition, it is convenient for consumers to know the quantity of jujube and wolfberry contained in each cup of tea.

For red jujube and medlar Granulator Counting packaging has the following benefits:

1. Improve efficiency: The granulator can quickly and accurately count red dates and medlar, which is faster and more accurate than manual counting, and improves the efficiency of packaging.

2. Reduce labor costs: The use of the granulator can reduce the human resources required for manual counting, thereby reducing labor costs.

3. Guarantee of product quality: because the granulator can accurately count, it can ensure that the quantity of red jujube and medlar in each package is consistent, which improves the quality and credibility of the product.

Choose a good one Jujube and medlar granulator The following factors can be considered:

1. Precision and stability: The granulator with high precision and stability shall be selected to ensure the accuracy of counting results.

2. Scope of application: different granulators are suitable for jujube and wolfberry of different specifications and sizes, and appropriate models need to be selected according to their own needs.

3. Maintenance and cleaning: select a granulator that is easy to maintain and clean to improve the use efficiency.

Jujube and medlar granulator It has broad application prospects in the food processing industry. With the improvement of people's requirements for food quality and safety, counting and packaging with a granulator can improve production efficiency and quality management level and meet market demand. In addition, as a traditional Chinese medicine ingredient, jujube and wolfberry have great potential in the domestic and international markets, and the demand for jujube and wolfberry granulators will increase accordingly.

Related labels: Granulator , Electronic granulator , Price of granulator , Granulator manufacturer , Counter , Counting packaging machine , Interlocking equipment , Full automatic granule packing machine , Jujube and medlar granulator , Duobao tea packaging machine , Point packaging machine , Counter

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