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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Introduction of granule mixing and several granule packaging machine

Date of issue: 2024-01-16 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

Granule mixing and several granule packaging machine It is suitable for medicine, food, cosmetics and other industries, especially for product packaging requiring accurate counting, such as drug capsules, food candy, etc.

The human body needs to take in more than 40 kinds of nutrients every day, but today's dietary structure determines that food alone is difficult to meet the normal nutritional needs of the human body. Adjusting the nutritional balance in the body through dietary supplements can improve the nutritional deficiencies that are threatening human sub-health and hidden hunger. After the improvement of the living standard of Chinese people, in addition to paying attention to eating well three meals a day, people are still thinking about what to eat to make them healthier. Fish oil, multivitamins, vitamin c, protein powder, calcium tablets, folic acid, wheat germ oil... These are familiar supplements. Their chemical composition and physical form are different, but they are often called "dietary supplements" or "health food".

Several grain packaging machine It is a kind of counting and packaging equipment specially used for granular materials such as capsules and tablets. It has the following benefits:

1. High efficiency and speed: The machine can count and pack granular materials accurately and at high speed, improving production efficiency.

2. Reduce manual errors: automatic Counting package It can avoid possible errors in manual counting and ensure the accuracy of product quantity.

3. Improve the health standard: The closed operation of the multi granule packaging machine can effectively reduce the risk of cross contamination and ensure the health quality of drugs.

4. Cost saving: The automated packaging process reduces the need for human power and reduces production costs.

Mixed material several grain packaging machine The working principle of is usually to put granular materials into the feeding system, count them in real time through sensors such as vibration or electric eye, and then put the specified amount of materials into the packaging bag in turn. Packaging bags can take various forms, such as capsule bottles, boxes, bags, etc.

Related labels: Granulator , Visual granulator , Price of granulator , Granulator manufacturer , Counter , Counting packaging machine , Screw automatic counting packaging machine , Hardware counting and packaging , Granule mixing and several granule packaging machine , Daily nutrition capsule tablet counting and packaging machine , capsule , a pill , fish oil , Vitamin tablet

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