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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Manufacturer of quail egg counting and packaging machine

Date of issue: 2024-02-07 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

Quail egg counting and packaging machine The utility model is a device specially used for automatic counting and sub packaging of quail eggs.

The following is an introduction to the quail egg counting and packaging machine:

1. Quail egg counting and packaging machine is mainly applicable to the counting and packaging of quail eggs. It is applicable to the counting and packaging of eggs of all sizes and varieties. It can accurately count quail eggs according to the set counting quantity, and quickly and accurately pack them into packaging bags.

2. The use of quail egg counting and packaging machine by manufacturers can improve production efficiency and accuracy, and reduce labor costs and error rates. At the same time, it can also maintain the integrity and hygiene standards of quail eggs, improve the product quality and appearance. The material of the quail egg counting and packaging machine packaged by Fangxing is medical 304, which meets the food standard.

3. Scope of application and working principle: Egg counting and packaging machine It includes automatic feeding, counting, subpackaging, sealing and other functions. Its working principle usually includes the following steps:

-Automatic feeding: put quail eggs into the machine through the feeding device.

-Counting: Quail eggs are automatically counted by sensors or image recognition technology to ensure accurate quantity.

-Sub packaging: sub packaging quail eggs into packaging bags according to the set counting quantity.

-Sealing: The packaging bag is sealed by heat sealing or other sealing methods to ensure the preservation and hygiene of quail eggs.

Quail egg counting packaging machine It is widely used in the catering industry and food processing industry, and can achieve efficient, accurate and hygienic quail egg counting and packaging. At the same time, as the market demands higher and higher quality and hygiene standards, the quail egg counting and packaging machine has a good development prospect in the future.

Related labels: Granulator , Electronic granulator , Price of granulator , Granulator manufacturer , Counter , Counting packaging machine , Quail egg counting and packaging machine , Marinated Egg , Baked egg with salt , Soft boiled egg packing machine , Salted Duck Egg

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