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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Xuanwei DI-1Z single bag deoxidizer

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DI-1Z desiccant feeder is a special mechanical equipment for automatically putting desiccant or deoxidizer in bags into packaging containers, which is widely used in pharmaceutical industry, health products industry, food industry, chemical industry and other industries , complying with various GMP standards. The baler inputs materials through high-speed vibration. Use automatic program control to input desiccant or deoxidizer. The appearance of single bag desiccant deoxidizer feeder reduces the possibility that the roll disc desiccant feeder may cut the desiccant by mistake, leading to the damage and leakage of desiccant and other material packages, which may affect the health of consumers and bring some unnecessary potential disputes to food and other manufacturers, The single package desiccant packaging produced by Shanghai Fangxing, the manufacturer of the single package desiccant packaging machine, avoids the occurrence of such hidden dangers and makes the desiccant deoxidizer packaging machine safer in the packaging process!






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Related labels: Desiccant feeder , Deoxidizer feeder , Bidder manufacturer , Desiccant feeding of feeding machine , Add desiccant , Plug desiccant , Put desiccant , Fully automatic desiccant feeding

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