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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Label search results: Product: 2, News: 3

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good counting packaging machine for fasteners and hardware?

    Small part fastener counting and packaging machine is a kind of equipment used for automatic counting and packaging of small part fasteners. It uses advanced counting technology to accurately identify and count various types of fasteners, such as screws, nuts, bolts, etc. By properly packaging the counted small part fasteners, the production efficiency can be improved, the labor cost can be reduced, and the product quality and
    Published on: September 8, 2023 Clicks: 13

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good counter packaging machine for hardware?

    Hardware counting and packaging machine is a kind of equipment used to count and package hardware according to the set quantity. Compared with counting hardware by hand, hardware counting packaging machine has the following advantages. First of all, the hardware counting packaging machine can greatly improve the work efficiency. Traditional manual counting often requires a lot of time and manpower, while counting packaging machine can
    Published on: August 30, 2023 Clicks: 29

  • [ Industry News ] How to count and pack the metal connecting ring connector?

    Metal connecting ring connector is a common hardware accessory, which is usually produced and sold in large quantities. In order to facilitate packaging and sales, it is necessary to count the packaging. The counting packaging machine is an efficient machine, which can automatically count and package the metal connecting ring connectors. 1. Working principle: the counting packaging machine uses visual recognition technology, and uses a unique camera
    Published on: July 31, 2023 Clicks: 34

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