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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Label search results: Product: 0, News: 5

  • [ Industry News ] Improving Product Competitiveness: Selection and Optimization of Packaging Equipment

    Importance of packaging equipment Several packaging lines can enhance the product image: exquisite packaging can add added value to the product and attract the attention of consumers. Several thread protection products: protect the products from damage during transportation and storage, and maintain the integrity and quality of the products. Improve production efficiency: automated packaging equipment can greatly improve production efficiency and reduce labor costs. package
    Published on: February 23, 2024 Clicks: 12

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good packaging machine for betel nuts?

    The following points should be considered when selecting a good multi pellet packer: 1. The counting speed of the multi pellet packer: select the appropriate production capacity according to your demand to avoid insufficient production or waste of resources. 2. Precision and stability of the multi grain packaging machine: the multi grain packaging machine needs high precision to ensure the accuracy of the quantity of products in each bag, and the stability can ensure that it can work continuously for a long time
    Published on: February 18, 2024 Clicks: 17

  • [ Industry News ] Working principle and main performance of electronic granulator

    Electronic granulator is a kind of modern packaging equipment. Its working principle is to count materials quickly and accurately through photoelectric sensors or vibrating plates and other detection devices, and then send the appropriate amount of materials into packaging bags/boxes/bottles, so as to achieve batch and efficient packaging production. The main performances include high-precision counting, high-speed packaging, adjustable counting range, etc. Electronic granulator
    Published on: February 8, 2024 Clicks: 16

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good screw point packaging machine?

    The screw automatic counting and packaging machine is a kind of equipment used to automatically count and package hardware products such as screws according to the quantity. 1、 Working principle of screw automatic counting packaging machine: 1. First, the screw will be transported to the counting area. 2. In the point area, photoelectric sensors and other devices will detect the passing of screws, so as to record the number of screws. 3. When the preset number is reached
    Published on: January 15, 2024 Clicks: 21

  • [ Industry News ] What are the components of the soft capsule line?

    The soft capsule counting line usually consists of the following main parts: 1. Glue supply system: the part of the conveyor belt used to supply the capsule shell, including the glue supply area, capsule conveyor, etc. 2. Metering system: the part of the granulator used to accurately measure the drug mixture, including metering device, conveying device, etc. 3. Sealing system: aluminum foil sealing machine capping machine is used for mixing drugs
    Published on: January 9, 2024 Clicks: 24

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