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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

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  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of Star Plate Type Capping Machine for Milk Powder Tank

    Milk powder can capping machine is a kind of equipment specially used for capping milk powder cans and other cans. It can automatically complete the positioning, pressing, pressing and other actions of the cover, improve production efficiency and ensure the sealing of the cover. The use of capping machine for capping milk powder cans and other cans has the following advantages: 1. Improve production efficiency: the capping machine can automatically complete the capping action, which is more efficient than manual
    Published on: December 21, 2023 Clicks: 22

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good capping machine for milk powder cans?

    First, we need to consider the working principle of the milk powder can capper. The capping machine usually uses pneumatic or electric methods to compress the lid of the milk powder tank through the capping head, so as to achieve a tight sealing effect. Secondly, the advantages of capping machine are also factors to be considered. Common advantages include high efficiency, productivity improvement, simple operation, etc. To select a capping machine with high efficiency
    Published on: August 29, 2023 Clicks: 26

  • [ Industry News ] What are the differences between capping machine and capping machine

    Capping machine and capping machine are devices for sealing container lids, but their working principles and application scenarios are different. The capping machine rotates to tightly seal the lid on the container. It usually uses friction and torque to rotate the lid and secure it to the container. The capping machine is suitable for sealing bottles, caps and other containers of various shapes and sizes, which can achieve better sealing effect
    Published on: August 15, 2023 Clicks: 27

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good capping machine for oral liquid?

    First, consider the working principle of the oral hydraulic capping machine. The oral hydraulic capping machine is mainly composed of a capping, capping, conveying and removing mechanism. The bottle will be automatically capped after entering the station, and the bottle clamping mechanism will clamp the bottle and send it to the capping mechanism to compress the bottle cap. Bottle clamping belt and capping belt are made of special materials to ensure the durability of the equipment without damaging the bottles and caps. Oral hydraulic capping machine
    Published on: August 14, 2023 Clicks: 40

  • [ Industry News ] How to adjust the capping machine correctly?

    To correctly adjust the capping machine, the following steps can be followed: 1. Ensure the machine is stable: place the capping machine on a flat and stable workbench, and fix the screws to ensure that the machine will not shake or move. 2. Pressure adjustment: adjust the pressure of the capping machine according to the product requirements. There is usually a pressure regulating button or knob on the machine, which can be adjusted as required
    Published on: July 12, 2023 Clicks: 40

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