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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

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  • [ Industry News ] How to choose the packing machine for quick frozen fish balls?

    The fish ball counting machine is a device for counting and packaging fish balls. In the traditional weighing and packaging process, errors and waste are easy to occur, and the use of the granulator can effectively solve these problems and save materials. The fish ball counting machine has a variety of packaging methods, which can be bottled, bagged, boxed and other forms to meet different packaging needs. Advantages of fish ball counting packaging machine
    Published on: November 29, 2023 Number of hits: 29

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose the automatic packing machine for fish balls?

    The counting and packaging machine for fish balls usually carries out counting and packaging through the following steps: 1. The fish balls first enter the interior of the granulator through the feeding device. 2. In the granulator, fish balls are separated into individual particles by vibration or rotation. 3. A single fish ball is sent to the counting device, which will count according to the preset parameters and detectors. 4. Calculation
    Published on: October 24th, 2023 Clicks: 24

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