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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

China's packaging machinery industry is developing towards integration and intelligence

Date of issue: 2016-08-11 Author: Click:

It is well known that the machinery industry is developing in the direction of integration, efficiency and intelligence. Science and technology are developing rapidly, and products are updated and replaced more frequently. In recent years, Shanghai Fangxing Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. is also facing the demand for improving production efficiency, and relevant food machinery also needs to improve technology to meet production needs.
In the current industrialized food processing, when considering more detailed machines, we must also have a deep understanding of the performance of upstream and downstream machines. Otherwise, improving the performance of single belt machines alone will hinder industrial production. Most enterprises will choose to produce complete sets of products rather than single production, so it is necessary to ensure that complete sets of food machinery can be continuously produced, balanced production and ensure product quality. From the perspective of the production enterprise, the purpose of selecting a complete set of production lines is to improve efficiency and reduce costs. Therefore, the safety, health, rationality, reliability, convenient maintenance and other factors of the complete set of food machinery production lines are crucial.
At present, Shanghai Fangxing Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. has a strong sense of crisis, invests huge profits and a large number of personnel in product research and development, and strives to accelerate the electromechanical integration of food machinery and equipment. The R&D direction is mainly to tackle the following five major directions.
First, develop food machinery with small weight, small floor space and convenient installation and replacement; The second is to develop new products that can save energy and resource costs, as well as models that can recycle waste materials; The third is to develop new products with multi-function, which can carry out multi-functional packaging for a variety of materials; Fourth, research and development of multi shape packaging machine, which can be used for square, rectangular and multi shape multi-functional packaging models; The fifth is to develop models with low energy consumption, high output power, good dynamic stability and low pollution.
At present, with the rapid development of the market economy and the improvement of people's living standards, the requirements for product packaging are getting higher and higher, which urgently requires the realization of mechanization and automation of packaging. The rapid development of downstream industries and residents' pursuit of quality of life require enterprises to invest in corresponding food packaging machinery to meet production needs.

Related labels: Counting packaging machine

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