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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Labeling machine is an important part of packaging machinery

Date of issue: 2016-08-11 Author: Click:

Due to the continuous improvement of modern people's demand for printing, it is not only reflected in the number of printing, but also the pursuit of high-quality printing. However, due to the increasing cost of printing raw materials in recent years, the printing industry is now eager to seek a low-cost, efficient printing and high-quality printing transformation route.

But many printing products are changed to labeled products. The original printing not only pollutes seriously, but also takes time and effort, wastes resources and cannot meet the high requirements of people today. In this form, self-adhesive labels gradually become popular, and then self-adhesive labels Labeling machine The hot selling market of machinery has been pushed away. It is no longer just the food industry that selects automatic labeling machines. Daily chemical, medicine, stationery, printing, packaging and other industries have begun to popularize. The self-adhesive paper can be recycled after treatment, such as packaging bottles and caps, which is energy-saving and environmentally friendly.
Therefore, Guangdong Ruiqi Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. vigorously advocates the development of green printing and actively responds to the national "12th Five Year Plan". The "green printing" in the new era not only means low carbon, energy saving and environmental protection, but also means high-tech, high efficiency, high productivity and low cost. Green printing, in line with the requirements of the new era, will be the development trend of the printing industry in the future, and also the unswerving direction of sustainable development in the future. Under the combination of the requirements of the new era and the market, the printing enterprises in the printing industry are facing this upgrading and transformation. Only if you constantly improve your competitiveness and competitive awareness can you advance bravely in the torrent of printing. We should bravely shoulder the responsibility of environmental protection to society, the country and the whole world, and society will surely reward us with unlimited development opportunities.
Now is an era of electronic products. Electronic products have the advantages of low environmental protection, green and convenient, and quickly occupy the market, which is undoubtedly a big impact on the printing market. This alarm bell reminds the printing industry to quickly transform and upgrade to meet the needs of market development.
The General Administration of Press and Publication and the Ministry of Environmental Protection officially signed the Cooperation Agreement on the Implementation of Green Printing Strategy on September 14, 2010, which marks that China's green printing has entered a specific implementation stage. The Twelfth Five Year Plan of China also puts forward the development idea of green printing. In the plan, it is proposed to give priority to the work of green printing for primary and secondary school courses, and gradually promote it to packaging and printing fields such as government procurement of printing materials. The government began to introduce measures to the printing industry, marking China's determination to become a printing power in the world. Green printing is the only way to develop urban industries and international cities.
At present, there are labels on food packages on the market. It is reported that labels are gradually born in response to the market's demand for environmental protection and resource conservation. At the same time, as the society pays more and more attention to green energy conservation, if you want to survive and develop in the printing industry, you must quickly meet the needs of the market and carry out system reform and machine innovation.

Related labels: Counting packaging machine

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