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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Challenge of electronic automatic granulator in food industry

Date of issue: 2020-03-25 Author: Granulator, granulator manufacturer, granulator price Click:

As the saying goes, food is the god of the people, and the food industry is closely related to people's life. As the food industry becomes an indispensable item in people's daily life, related electronics Granulator Machinery is also widely used under the link effect. In the past six months, the total sales volume of granulator machinery has made greater progress than the previous year, among which the performance of granulator machinery is more significant. The production of electronic granulator equipment is mainly the whole bottling production line, which has a high degree of automation.

At present, China's per capita consumption of food, especially candy industry. There is a big difference with the level of advanced countries. With the development of science and technology, social development, entering a well-off society, and the improvement of people's living standards, the granulator has a larger market space. Now our living standard has risen, and our production capacity in all aspects has also been greatly improved. The improvement of ability is mainly reflected in two aspects. First, we have high standards for life. And it also proves that China's comprehensive national strength has been constantly improving and has mastered relatively advanced production technology in the field of granulators.

At the beginning, the development of the food industry was also flat, and the demand in these areas was not too strong. A few enterprises used imported equipment for production, or they produced some equipment by imitation. However, in recent years, the manufacturing level of granulators in China has been rapidly improved, mainly driven by the development of industry. Therefore, we should strengthen the research and development of granulator machinery. In this period of increasingly scarce non renewable resources, we should, like foreign developed countries, speed up the development of granulator by focusing on technology sales and taking low-end products as the secondary model.


Related labels: Electronic granulator

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