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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Fangxing quality - quality control starts from each part

Date of issue: 2017-09-02 Author: Click:

As China Packaging machinery manufacturing Industrial Seniors Enterprise, Shanghai Fangxing Machinery How many days Packaging machinery and equipment Go to the production line Factories of users at home and abroad It has won many loud public praise and honors. Let's take a look at Shanghai Fangxing Machinery How to make good quality products production The source is the key to quality.


“16 Step principle Strictly select suppliers

Shanghai Square star There is a complete set of strict system for supplier selection, capability development and quality management, which shall be strictly followed company whole country Supplier developed “16 step Principle, from the review of potential suppliers for new product initiation to the implementation of quality management for suppliers throughout the production cycle. A new supplier must pass through Shanghai Square star Procurement Department, Engineering Department( research and development Center), Logistics Department three Large sectors, Q (Quality) S (Service) T (Technical) P (Price) four Large function block, near ten The procurement system can only be entered after sub professional review.

As the saying goes, the operation of a machine depends on the close cooperation of various parts. More and more production line The project has brought a large number of suppliers. with Granulator For example, there are twenty more than Suppliers On the one hand, Shanghai Square star Be strict Self made parts Quality, on the other hand The qualification of the supplier of purchased parts is also strictly controlled, so that the precision of the parts of the assembly equipment is put on the quality control.

Stable and high quality supplier team, for the best sea Fangxing Machinery Product quality guarantees. Currently and Shanghai Fangxing Machinery Maintain business contacts three Suppliers with more than years of age have accounted for the total number of domestic suppliers 80% Above, keep five Suppliers with more than years old have accounted for the total 60% above.


Supervision and participation A dead beat Quality

If the establishment of a sound supplier pre development and recognition process ensures product quality from the source, then Product life cycle The supplier quality management of the company has fundamentally supervised and promoted the quality upgrading of suppliers. In terms of early development, production management and after-sales service from suppliers Product life cycle Medium, Shanghai Fangxing Machinery Not only supervisors, but also participants, working with suppliers A dead beat Quality, realizing the quality of win-win


Shanghai Fangxing Machinery Specially established Joint Development Center And provide suppliers with special training, business seminars, technical exchanges, export business and other support, not only Shanghai Fangxing Machinery Our quality improvement team will go deep into the supplier's site to help the supplier establish a quality assurance system and achieve quality testing reach Quality prevention Transformation of; When encountering quality technical problems Luxury lineup Work together with suppliers to overcome technical difficulties.

Related labels: Price of granulator

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