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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

What is an automatic labeling machine?

Date of issue: 2020-07-10 Author: Click:

What is fully automatic Labeling machine
For manufacturers who have just come into contact with water treatment and beverage processing, we found that:
1. For general small water treatment plants, the mineral water jacket standard is still manual operation.
2. For such manufacturers, the speed of producing sets of standards is still very slow.
All applicable machines replace manual automatic labeling equipment, which is called: full-automatic labeling machine
The features of the automatic labeling machine are:
1. The production speed is fast, and now the high-speed machine has reached 48000/h.
2. High tech photoelectric induction. Label loss during production reduction.
3. The appearance is made of stainless steel, which can extend the applicable life of the automatic labeling machine.
4. It covers a wide range of occupations, not only drinking, beverage and mineral water occupations.
What is presented now is the whole architecture of the automatic labeling machine.
This is the architecture of Yiyang Automatic Automatic Labeling Machine
In fact, the labeling scale of this automatic labeling machine is also very wide.
Plastic bottle pet Water treatment occupation:
Automatic labeling machine for mineral water bottles
Glass bottle cosmetics occupation:
Automatic labeling machine for cosmetics labeling
Multi functional beverage profession:
Automatic labeling of beverages

Related labels: Automatic bottle washer

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