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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Packaging machinery is around us

Date of issue: 2021-05-10 Author: Labeling machine manufacturer Click:

People can't live without packaging machinery, but most people have never heard of packaging machinery. What is packaging machinery?
Now let's go to literacy and lower packaging machinery. The professional explanation is that it can complete all or part of the product and commodity packaging process. The packaging process includes filling, wrapping, sealing and other main processes, as well as the related pre and post processes, such as cleaning, stacking and disassembly. Ordinary people outside the industry may not understand it.
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Let's take some examples. For example, what packaging steps are needed for the mineral water we drink? First, we put the bottles together and wait in line for filling water. At this time, we may need a bottle sorting machine and a conveyor belt, and then send them to the filling machine to fill water, and then send them to Capping machine Put on the cover and tighten the cover, and then send it through the conveyor belt to the labeled Labeling machine Paste the brand trademark, and then use the inkjet printer to spray the production date, so that a bottle of water is basically packaged, but is that OK? Of course, it is not finished yet. At this time, the finished water will be sent to the container. At this time, the container machine will be used, and then these boxes of water will be sent to the tray to the truck and sent to the stores and supermarkets across the country.
The whole process of irrigation uses packaging machinery, so we will have some connection with various packaging machinery in our daily life, but we do not know it.

Related labels: Counting packaging machine

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