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Capping machine manufacturer: how to deal with the situation of uneven filling of large granules of soy sauce?

Date of issue: 2021-06-26 Author: Capping machine manufacturer Click:

Capping machine Manufacturer: What should we do if the sauce with large granules is filled unevenly?

 Capping machine

Now food enterprises are in hot demand. All kinds of condiments are on the table. Most of the sauces are delicious, inexpensive and very popular with customers. Therefore, sauce filling machines are gradually emerging in production lines. The sauce filling machines can fill granular sauces such as chili sauce, tomato sauce, sesame sauce, tomato sauce, apple sauce, pork sauce, beef chili sauce, etc. However, many capping machine manufacturers have encountered problems such as blocking and uneven sauce when filling large granules of soy sauce. Many people do not know how to solve these problems. Let's take a look at this one to solve all your problems Filling machine Come on!

This kind of applesauce and tomato sauce is produced by filling Assembly line It is applicable to the filling of sauces in various specifications and models, and can change the filling specifications and models within a few minutes. Each fruit can shall be equipped with a corking device to ensure accurate filling alignment.

Product characteristics

1. The design scheme adopts the linear sequencing method of entering and exiting bottles to expand the filling effect, and all kinds of containers can be filled in this machine and equipment reasonably.

2. There is no leakage and drooling in the whole filling process.

3. Powerful PLC mobile phone software is applicable

4. Each fruit can shall be equipped with a corking device to ensure accurate filling alignment.

Jinan Machinery is a professional manufacturer of filling machines. The sauce filling machines produced by Jinan Machinery have higher filling precision to avoid the consumption of remaining raw materials. The filling head can be adjusted independently, and filling in a production line is faster. It is not easy to block materials and fill unevenly.

Related labels: Granulator manufacturer

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