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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Reasons for inaccurate counting of granulators in China's packaging industry in 2021

Date of issue: 2021-07-13 Author: Packaging machinery manufacturer Click:

Electronics Granulator The accuracy of counting is an important indicator of the quality of drug packaging, which is directly related to the interests of drug users and the market reputation of drug enterprises. To analyze Granulator First of all, introduce the working principle of the granulator. The working principle of the granulator is: the materials to be packed (tablets, capsules, pills) are put into the hopper - the materials to be counted are separated step by step through the three-level (or two-level) electromagnetic vibration plate, so that the materials are arranged in order - the materials enter the detection counter (each channel is a group of counters) - each channel has several groups of infrared emission circuits and receiving circuits, When the materials enter the detection counting channel in free fall, the infrared ray is blocked and cannot be received by the receiving circuit to generate a counting pulse. The materials are counted once - the counted materials pass through the baffle under the channel and enter the packaging bottle through the blanking port. When the counted quantity reaches the preset quantity (total quantity of products), the baffle under the channel is closed to complete a bottle count.

I. Analysis of the causes affecting the counting accuracy of the electronic counting machine:
1. Human factors: ① the operator did not preheat the machine before starting according to the requirements of the operating procedures, ② the operator did not timely replenish the materials in the silo during the operation of the machine, which directly affected the separation state of materials on the oscillating plate, leading to inaccurate product counting.
2. Factors of electronic multi pellet bottling machine:
(1) The silo design does not take into account that the change of gravity will affect the fluidity and sequencing of materials in the oscillating plate. Because the more materials, the higher the center of gravity of the materials will be, which will increase the fluidity of materials, leading to overlapping materials entering the detection channel before they can be separated, resulting in inaccurate number of particles. As the material decreases, its center of gravity decreases, which will reduce the fluidity of the material and may slow down the speed of several particles.
(2) The drop between the baffle plate and the blanking opening is too large, and the falling time of the material is too long. The material rotates in the blanking opening and cannot fall into the packaging bottle in time, resulting in inaccurate number of particles.
⑶ Since the blanking port of the granulator is made of organic glass, static electricity is generated when materials fall freely from the detection channel by high-speed rotating friction in the shield. Another reason is that some traditional Chinese medicine ingredients are particularly prone to generate static electricity during friction. Due to static electricity, the material is adsorbed on the blanking port, reducing the effective number of particles falling into the bottle, resulting in inaccurate number of particles.
⑷ If the baffle is not pushed out in place, the materials cannot be completely blocked. When the baffle is opened, there are still materials passing through the baffle, causing inaccurate number of particles.
(5) The position of the blanking port is not correct, and the bottle mouth cannot be blocked completely, so that all materials cannot fall into the packaging bottle smoothly, resulting in inaccurate number of particles.
(6) During the installation and adjustment of the machine, the horizontal adjustment of the oscillating plate inclines forward, so that when the oscillating plate stops vibrating, the material will naturally slide into the detection channel, causing false counting.

3. Material factors:
① The set oscillation frequency of the three-stage oscillation plate for producing capsules, tablets and pills is completely different.
② During the production of tablets and capsules, due to the large amount of dust carried by the materials, the accumulation of dust in the detection channel blocks the infrared ray, making the counting circuit unable to work normally.

4. Medium factor:
① The influence of environmental factors on counting accuracy mainly comes from the quality of compressed air. Compressed air with large water content has a great impact on the sensitivity of the actuator cylinder. Once the sensitivity of the cylinder drops, the accuracy of counting cannot be guaranteed.

Tablet counting machine Parameter setting factors:
① The setting size of the silo gate has a great impact on the separation state of materials on the oscillating plate. If the gate is too large, materials flow out too fast, and materials flow out too fast, there will be overlapping phenomenon. When overlapping materials pass through the detection channel, the accuracy of counting will be affected, and if the gate is too small, the counting speed will be affected. ② Setting of oscillation frequency of three-stage oscillation plate. If the set speed is too fast and the materials cannot be separated effectively, the counting accuracy will be affected, and if the set speed is too slow, the production speed will be affected.
③ Setting of product length and min parameters. The appearance size of the product is directly related to the brightness time and shading time of the infrared ray in the detection channel. The lighting time is the time between grains. The shorter the lighting time, the higher the resolution. The shading time is determined by the appearance size of the product. If the shading time is set too long, fewer counts will be generated. If the shading time is set too short, the counter will be indistinct and the elimination will affect the counting speed.
④ The value of Precount is set to enable the machine to continue to count the bottles to increase the production capacity when the bottles are replaced after the machine finishes counting the bottles at the blanking port. When all the particles are detected, all the particles will fall into the detection track, and the memory file will block them. When the empty bottle reaches the blanking port, the pre counted particles will fall into the bottle. If the parameter setting of the predicted number is too small, the counting speed will be affected, and if it is too large, the counting accuracy will be affected.
⑤ Setting of counting speed. If this parameter is set too small, the products will be fully separated on the oscillating plate, which is beneficial to improving the accuracy of counting. But it is not conducive to improving production speed. If the setting is too large, the separation of products on the oscillating plate is not good, which has a serious impact on the accuracy of counting.
⑥ Setting of separation speed. The separation speed refers to the separation speed between each product in the previous bottle and each product in the next bottle. If the separation speed is too fast, the baffle will not be able to separate the product between the previous bottle and the next bottle, resulting in the phenomenon of one more or one less particle. If the separation speed is too slow, the production speed will be affected
6. Declining factors of cylinder sensitivity: as the executive element of the granulator, the speed of reaction directly affects the accuracy of counting. The main reasons for the decrease of cylinder sensitivity are: moisture content in the compressed air, non cylinder specific grease, impurities entering the cylinder, wear and air leakage of cylinder seals, etc.
Methods to improve the counting accuracy of the two electronic grain counting filling machine:
1. Human factors: ⑴ Warm up the machine for 3 to 10 minutes to keep the electronic components and photoelectric scanning circuit in a stable working state. ⑵ The operator shall pay attention to the materials in the silo in real time and replenish the materials in time.
2. Machine factors: ⑴ In view of the problems existing in the feeding bin of the granulator affected by the gravity of materials, it can be considered to divide the bin into constant weight bin and non constant weight bin, so that the impact of the gravity of materials on the separation state of materials in the oscillating plate can be effectively solved. ⑵ For the problem that the time from the baffle plate to the bottle is too long: it should be considered to add another baffle plate to solve the following problems. First, the time from the baffle plate to the bottle can be divided into two sections. The charging time of the bottle is shortened, and the ① baffle plate has been closed when the bottle is being charged, and the counter continues to work. In this way, two actions can be completed - unloading and bottling of the previous bottle and counting of the next bottle, and the production speed is improved. Secondly, it can solve the problem of producing electrostatic adsorption materials.
⑶ Methods to prevent static electricity of electronic tablet counter: 1. It can prevent electronic transfer by installing a partition or attaching non-polar materials on the inner wall of the blanking port. 2. Add grounding power lines and equipment connections in the blanking port to effectively discharge static electricity, thus preventing static electricity. ⑷ Adjust the position of the baffle and the blanking opening so that the baffle can completely block the materials, and the blanking opening can ensure that the medicine particles can enter the packaging bottle smoothly. ⑸ During the installation and adjustment of the machine, the horizontal adjustment of the oscillating plate is backward, so that when the oscillating plate stops vibrating, the material cannot slip naturally into the detection channel, causing false counting.
3. Material factors: ⑴ Set appropriate oscillation frequency for capsules, tablets and pills. ⑵ Periodically use a vacuum cleaner to remove the dust carried by tablets and capsules.
4. Medium factor: ⑴ Replace the compressed air filter regularly to ensure the air quality.
5. Parameter setting: the setting of the size of the silo gate, the oscillation frequency of the three-stage oscillation plate, the product length and min parameters, the value of the expected number, the counting speed and the separation speed requires the operator to repeatedly debug them to make them reach a better state, which not only ensures the counting speed, but also ensures the accuracy of the counting.
6. The method to improve the sensitivity of the cylinder: strictly control the water content of the compressed air, especially keep the operation of the air dryer stable. Strictly control the non cylinder special grease to enter the actuator. The original cylinder must be replaced when the actuator is repaired or replaced. If possible, it is better to replace the actuator of all channels at one time to ensure the consistency of the sensitivity of the actuator. Reasonably adjust machine parameters: prepare counting and counting speed to make products obtain better separation effect, so as to improve production speed and counting accuracy. Setting of separation speed; The separation speed should be set as close or the same as the counting speed as possible. According to experience, the separation speed should be 5-10% lower than the counting speed.

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