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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Answering questions about packaging machinery parts: material selection of capping wheel of capping machine

Date of issue: 2021-07-12 Author: Capping machine manufacturer Click:

Capping machine Because of its fast speed, wide range of compatibility, affordable and other advantages, it is widely used in bottling production lines. However, the selection of capping wheel material often brings some problems to users. Now we will analyze the application of capping rollers made of different materials

1、         PU material (polyurethane)

Generally speaking, the capping wheel of polyurethane is more wear-resistant, characterized by high hardness, good strength, high elasticity, high abrasion resistance, tear resistance, aging resistance, etc. Polyurethane capping wheel is selected for conventional bottle caps, which will have a longer service life

2、         Silicone material

Silica gel has high thermal stability and excellent aging resistance, but its disadvantages are low tensile strength, tear resistance and poor wear resistance. When touching some mirrors or metal covers, the silicone wheel is usually used to protect the cover from being scratched when rotating the cover.


The above two materials are the main materials of the capping wheel. Each material has many subdivisions of hardness and physical and chemical properties of foam. Shanghai Fangxing has been manufacturing for more than 30 years Capping machine A lot of experience has been accumulated in the process of the cap screwing. You can select a more appropriate cap screwing wheel according to the customer's cap, which not only ensures that the cap is tightened without scratches, but also increases the frequency of replacing the cap screwing wheel.

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