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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Operating principle of photoelectric granulator

Date of issue: 2022-08-23 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

 Granulator, electronic granulator, granulator price, granulator manufacturer, photoelectric granulator JPG

Photoelectric granulator It is a packaging equipment that can automatically count grains by vibrating blanking and using the working principle of photoelectric effect. It is not limited by the number of drug templates, and can handle pills of various shapes and specifications. It has the advantages of small drug wear and easy cleaning of equipment.

Therefore, photoelectric automatic Granulator It has been widely used in the pharmaceutical packaging industry and is one of the key equipment of the granular pharmaceutical filling production line. Since the accuracy of counting directly affects the packaging quality, production cost and reputation of enterprises, how to count quickly and accurately is the key technology of photoelectric granulator.

The photoelectric counting machine counts by photoelectric sensor. A pair of components of the photoelectric sensor are respectively placed on the opposite sides of the counting channel. One end is the optical signal transmitting end, and the other end is the signal receiving end to receive the beam emitted by the former. When the particles pass through the counting channel, the light beam is blocked, so the photoelectric sensor produces an electric pulse signal. As long as the number of pulse signals is counted, the number of particles passing through the channel can be calculated.


Related labels: Photoelectric granulator

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