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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Working principle of laser granulator

Date of issue: 2022-08-23 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

 Granulator, electronic granulator, price of granulator, granulator manufacturer, laser granulator. jpg

laser Granulator The main advantage is that it can also detect materials with high transparency and small materials (materials with conventional photoelectric technology 3mm The diameter is more than that. The laser can detect 2mm Large and small materials)

The structure of the laser granulator is a double door, which can count few materials, such as one Granules of this type (conventional granulator can only count fifteen Grain)

The basic principle of the laser particle counting machine is that the detection laser of the optical sensor is received by the photosensitive element after being scattered by dust particles and generates a pulse signal. The pulse signal is output and amplified, and then digital signal processing is performed. By comparing with the standard particle signal, the comparison results are expressed with different parameters.

Particles in the air will scatter under the irradiation of light, which is called light scattering. Light scattering is related to particle size, light wave length, particle refractive index and particle absorption characteristics. However, as far as the scattering light intensity and particle size are concerned, there is a basic rule that the scattering light intensity of particles increases with the increase of particle surface area. In this way, the size of particles can be inferred by measuring the intensity of scattered light. In fact, the scattered light intensity generated by each particle is very weak, which is a very small light pulse. The light pulse needs to be converted into an electrical pulse with a larger signal amplitude through the amplification of the photoelectric converter, and then further amplified and screened by the electronic circuit, Thus, a large number of electric pulses can be counted. At this time, the number of electric pulses corresponds to the number of particles, and the amplitude of electric pulses corresponds to the size of particles. This is the basic principle of light scattering laser particle counter.


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