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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Maintenance of double head servo capping machine

Date of issue: 2022-09-01 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

 Capping machine, capping machine price, capping machine manufacturer.jpg

Shanghai Fangxing is a company dedicated to providing intelligence for pharmaceutical, food, chemical and other enterprises Several packaging lines And other high-tech enterprises providing system construction services. The company's professional production categories include Capping machine Full automatic capping machine High speed capping machine Vacuum capping machine , etc.

1. The reducer must be filled with lubricating oil according to the instructions, and the lubricating oil must be replaced regularly.

2. The gear transmission pair shall be filled with calcium base lubricating grease every week.

3. The gland guide rod shall be filled with lubricating grease regularly (one week).

4. Add lubricating oil to cam guide regularly.

5. The lifting screw and chain drive shall be regularly filled with calcium base grease.

6. Before adjusting the height of the machine, add a little 32 # engine oil to each lifting sleeve.

7. Frequently observe and check whether all fasteners of the machine are loose.

8. Frequently check whether the moving parts are flexible and blocked.

9. All protective covers must be intact.

10. The machine shall be checked once every cycle (three months).



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