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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Safety Operation Procedures for Double head Servo Capping Machine

Date of issue: 2022-09-01 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

 Capping machine, capping machine price, capping machine manufacturer JPG

1. Whether the power socket is 380V AC and whether the grounding is good.

2. Whether the capping head has deviation, locking and proper height.

3. Operators must receive training (especially safety training) before taking up their posts.

4. When the machine is running, the operator (any one) should press the emergency stop switch in time and inform other operators of any abnormal situation.

5. Unless necessary and with adequate protection measures, no part of the body or any object is allowed to contact the moving part of the machine.

6. The non operator must inform the operator in advance if he wants to intervene in the adjustment, debugging or detection of the machine.

7. Turn on the power switch. Before re powering on, be sure that the surrounding environment (including personnel, equipment and transmission parts) is in a safe state, or you cannot power on and start up!!

8. When disassembling or cleaning the machine, the emergency stop switch must be pressed to avoid misoperation. Any abnormal operation (including cleaning) is not allowed when the machine is running.

9. When cleaning the machine and its surrounding areas, care should be taken not to let water enter each electric control box or electric control box, as well as the power input and electrical components, so as not to damage components or endanger personal safety.

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