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How long will Yang recover his original strength?

Date of issue: 2022-12-26 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

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Many friends in the circle of friends have passed the yang period and have entered the recovery period. Today, I will talk with you about how long it will take to recover physical strength and exercise after the yang period.

After encountering COVID-19 infection, the immune function of the human body will show obvious disorder. It takes time for the disease to recover, not to say that it will be OK if the virus cannot be detected. Most people will enter the immune disorder period after the positive, which will last for a week or two.

During this period, other viruses and bacteria are very easy to enter. Especially in the high incidence period of influenza in winter, within two weeks of 'Yangkang', there is still a potential safety hazard when exposed to crowded places for too long, let alone exercise.

At the same time, we should pay close attention to the differences between the body function and that before.

For example, my temperature has been normal these days, but I still feel my heart rate is a little fast, which may be the result of not returning to normal.

Generally speaking, my heart rate also increases after my body temperature rises. My heart rate during my high fever is almost twice as high as usual. After my body temperature recovers, my heart rate will gradually recover, but there is a process in between.

If you exercise or engage in physical activity too early, it may cause harm.

Recently, experts have also warned against myocarditis complications after a cold and fever, and myocarditis often occurs in young and middle-aged people, especially those who stay up late for a long time, work overtime, and have irregular work and rest.

Therefore, after Yangkang, we should pay close attention to whether our heart rate is different from that before, including whether there are chest tightness, asthma and other symptoms.

Therefore, it is suggested that most people should not immediately resume the previous amount of exercise within one to two weeks after the new crown is positive. After one or two weeks, they should gradually resume the previous amount of exercise according to their own feelings, and of course, strenuous exercise is not recommended.

So how do you judge that you can resume your previous exercise?

The simple judgment is the housework of daily life. For example, there is no asthma, fatigue, panic and sweating after mopping the floor and washing clothes, which indicates that daily life has almost recovered.

At this time, vitamin C effervescent tablets can be added to increase immunity, eat more fruits, do proper exercise and bask in the sun. The clothes after yang should be disinfected in time and wiped with alcohol or chlorine containing disinfectant. At the same time, pay attention to opening windows for ventilation.

Shanghai Fangxing Machinery Packaging Co., Ltd Several grain packaging machine Manufacturer Several grain packaging machine The tablets or capsules can be bottled or packed in bags or boxes. The number of grain packaging machines is sufficient in stock, which can stably transport several grain packaging machines and various kinds of grain packaging equipment for various pharmaceutical enterprises. Contribute to the epidemic!

Related labels: Tablet counting machine

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