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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

How many new coronal vaccines are there?

Date of issue: 2022-12-27 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

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At present, five new coronavirus vaccines have been approved for use in China. What is the difference between these five vaccines? Which is better

According to the technical route, the five vaccines are divided into three categories: first, inactivated vaccines, including three inactivated vaccines produced by Sinopharm Beijing, Sinopharm Wuhan, and Beijing Kexing Zhongwei; The second is adenovirus vector vaccine, which is type 5 adenovirus vector vaccine produced by Tianjin Kangxinuo Company; The third is the recombinant protein vaccine, which is a new recombinant coronavirus vaccine (CHO cell).  

The new coronavirus vaccine is the new coronavirus vaccine. At present, there are three new coronavirus vaccines in China, namely adenovirus vector vaccine, inactivated vaccine and recombinant protein vaccine.
1. Adenovirus vector vaccine:
It refers to the vaccine made by inserting the antigen gene of the virus into a harmless adenovirus vector. After inoculation, the adenovirus vector enters the cell, uses the protein expression system of the cell to translate the antigen protein, stimulate the immune response of the body, and produce antibodies. Only one injection is needed, which is suitable for rapid and large-scale vaccination.
2. Inactivated vaccine:
It refers to the inactivation of infectious complete virus by heating, radiation or chemical treatment to make it lose its infectivity but retain its immunogenicity. The vaccine prepared after purification generally needs to be inoculated with two shots. The interval between two shots is recommended to be ≥ 3 weeks, and the second shot should be completed as soon as possible within 8 weeks.
3. Recombinant protein vaccine:
It is to recombine the antigen gene of the virus and carry it on the vector, then transform the gene expression vector into the receptor cells, such as bacteria, yeast or animal cells, and use the protein expression system of the receptor cells to produce antigen proteins. The purified vaccine generally needs to be inoculated three times throughout the whole process. It is recommended that the vaccination interval between two adjacent needles should be ≥ 4 weeks, The second dose should be completed within 8 weeks after the first dose, and the third dose should be completed within 6 months after the first dose.

It is recommended to inject the specific vaccine under the guidance of a professional doctor. If you feel unwell, you should see a doctor in time.

Shanghai Fangxing Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., whose products include Several grain packaging machine Granulator Bag type multi grain packaging machine We are a professional manufacturer of granulator, focusing on providing intelligent granulator line packaging line services for pharmaceutical, food, daily chemical and other manufacturers. The number of grain packaging machines is sufficient in stock, which can stably transport the number of grain packaging machines and various kinds of grain packaging equipment for various pharmaceutical enterprises. Contribute to the epidemic!

Related labels: Counting packaging machine

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