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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Some people have mild symptoms, while others have severe symptoms? Because the northern and southern strains are different?

Date of issue: 2022-12-28 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:


Why are some people's symptoms very mild and others very serious?

Li Dong, chief physician of the General Infection Department of Beijing You'an Hospital and medical expert of Beijing Xiaotangshan Fangcang Hospital, once introduced in an interview that, from the perspective of the virus strains, whether it is BF.7 prevalent in Beijing or BA. 5 and BA. 5.2 prevalent in Guangzhou, they are all sub branches under BA.

Some "Yang" netizens in Beijing said that they had high fever, muscle aches, fatigue, sore throat, headache and other uncomfortable symptoms, and even could not sleep. However, some southern netizens in Guangzhou and other places said that they felt a little like a cold after infection, that is, a low or moderate fever, which would be relieved in a day or two.

Li Dong once introduced that the specific causes of these symptoms are still being analyzed. In foreign countries, these two strains have been popular for some time. According to foreign reports, the two strains are the same in pathogenicity, and there is no obvious difference.

In China, from the perspective of upper respiratory tract and other systemic symptoms, there are obvious differences between the north and the south. It may be affected by the climate, temperature and humidity. For example, if the north is dry and cold, the physical symptoms will be significantly heavier. For example, the upper respiratory tract infection in winter is more obvious than that in summer, and you will feel more uncomfortable. In dry climate, people are more likely to suffer from dry throat, itching, sore throat, cough and difficulty in expectoration. But in the humid air, the symptoms will be lighter.

Shanghai Fangxing Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd., whose products include Several grain packaging machine Granulator Bag type multi grain packaging machine Professional granulator manufacturer. The number of grain packaging machines is sufficient in stock, which can stably transport the number of grain packaging machines and various kinds of grain packaging equipment for various pharmaceutical enterprises. Contribute to the epidemic!

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