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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Inhaled neocoronal vaccine

Date of issue: 2023-01-12 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:


Vaccination is an effective means to prevent and control COVID-19. Inhalation from the "mouth", no injection, only 5 seconds, convenient and fast. Many community residents have experienced this new vaccination method in advance under the guidance of medical staff.

"Take a deep breath first, put the mouth of the atomizing cup into the mouth, inhale it in one breath, then hold your breath for 5 seconds and don't talk." Follow the instructions of the medical staff, just exhale, inhale, and hold your breath. In just a few seconds, the reporter successfully completed the vaccination. "It was really convenient after the on-site experience. Just like normal breathing, I took a breath of slightly sweet air, which was convenient and painless, and avoided the pain caused by injection."

It is understood that the main function of the inhaled neocoronal vaccine is to strengthen immunization, which cannot be used for basic immunization. Residents who meet the vaccination conditions can go to the town community health service center for vaccination. In order to do well in the work of inhalation vaccination, the center organized medical personnel to participate in centralized training, and put forward specific requirements for the operation process and precautions of vaccination.


At present, the inhaled neocoronavirus vaccine is targeted at people aged 18 years and above who have received two doses of inactivated neocoronavirus vaccine or one dose of Concinor intramuscular injection recombinant neocoronavirus vaccine at an interval of six months or more. When people over 60 years old choose this vaccine for booster immunization, the interval between the whole vaccination and this vaccine is shortened to 3 months. (ps: For those who have just passed the "yang" test, it is recommended that they go for vaccination after 6 months)

Shanghai Fangxing Machinery Packaging Co., Ltd Several grain packaging machine Manufacturer Several grain packaging machine , can be bottled, bagged or boxed, Labeling machine The number of packaging machines in stock is sufficient, and the number of packaging machines and various packaging equipment for various pharmaceutical enterprises are stably transported. Contribute to the epidemic!

Related labels: Electronic granulator

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