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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Everyone has a responsibility to prevent the new epidemic during the Spring Festival

Date of issue: 2023-01-16 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

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      We are about to usher in the Spring Festival again. In China, the Spring Festival is a festival of reunion, so many people will go home during the Spring Festival, which led to a large population migration in our country before the Spring Festival, that is, the Spring Festival transportation. But in recent years, the epidemic has occurred frequently, and the Spring Festival transportation is more likely to lead to disease infection. Do you know how to do personal protection during the Spring Festival?

1. First of all, we should pay attention to wearing masks when going out, and keep a certain social distance from people.

2. In addition, when you go out, try to avoid entering or leaving some closed places with dense people, such as cinemas, shopping malls, supermarkets, etc.

3. In some public places, when contacting people, try to keep a safe distance of more than one meter. It is also better to have separate meals when eating out.

4. When you go out and come back, you can disinfect yourself with alcohol, or take a bath and change clothes.

We all know that the cold weather during the Spring Festival is very suitable for the survival and spread of the virus, so many people are worried about the rebound of the epidemic during the Spring Festival. However, some experts said that there will be no large-scale increase in cases in China, and China has now formed a very rigorous and effective response to the epidemic, but some repeated Scattered outbreaks may occur, so we should take precautions every day. New crown protection starts from me.

Shanghai Fangxing Specialty Several grain packaging machine Manufacturer Several grain packaging machine The tablets or capsules can be bottled or packed in bags or boxes. The number of grain packaging machines is sufficient in stock, which can stably transport several grain packaging machines and various kinds of grain packaging equipment for various pharmaceutical enterprises. Contribute to the epidemic!

Related labels: Counting packaging machine

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