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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Usage and maintenance knowledge of full-automatic multi grain packaging machine

Date of issue: 2023-04-11 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

Full automatic grain counting packaging machine It is an efficient and convenient packaging equipment.

Here is how to use it:

1. Be familiar with the equipment operation manual, correctly connect the power supply, and confirm that all safety switches and action switches are in normal state.

2. Prepare the products to be packaged and put them in the proper position

3. Adjust the setting parameters of the machine, including speed, sealing temperature, air pressure and other parameters.

4. Put the packing materials on the material rack of the automatic wrapping machine and ensure that they are correctly installed.

5. Start packing and check the packing quality.

6. Turn off the machine and clean the equipment.


1. Regularly check and maintain the equipment, including cleaning the equipment, replacing vulnerable parts, refueling, etc.

2. Check the running status of the transmission mechanism and motor.

3. Check and replace electric control components and pneumatic components.

4. When the equipment is repaired, it must be operated according to the maintenance manual provided by the equipment manufacturer, and it is forbidden to disassemble the equipment without authorization.

5. Pay attention to safety, and do not carry out maintenance during operation.

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