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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

The following are the methods to prolong the service life of the granulator

Date of issue: 2023-04-12 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

 Counting machine, electronic counting machine, counting machine price, counting machine manufacturer, counting machine, counting packaging machine.jpg

1. Correct use: use Granulator The equipment must be used correctly according to the instructions and kept clean and dry. Do not use unqualified materials and powder materials.

2. Maintenance: clean and maintain the granulator regularly. Proper detergent shall be used when cleaning parts, and cleaning requirements shall be strictly followed.

3. Frequent maintenance: frequently maintain and check the machine, and timely replace parts to ensure that each part can work normally.

4. Regular calibration: calibrate the granulator regularly according to the time or the number of runs to ensure its measurement accuracy and stability, so as to avoid problems caused by measurement errors.

5. Shutdown cleaning: the equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned during shutdown, and the inlet and outlet of the equipment shall be closed. Do not let foreign matters enter the equipment to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and extend the service life of the equipment.

6. Avoid overload: Granulator The rated working capacity of Granulator The normal use of the equipment can improve the service life of the equipment.

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