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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Why is the price of visual granulator more expensive than that of photoelectric granulator?

Date of issue: 2023-05-19 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

 Granulometer, electronic granulator, price of granulator, granulator manufacturer, visual granulator, counting packaging machine.jpg

vision Granulator and Photoelectric granulator Although they can be used to count and package similar items, their working principles, scope of use and differences lead to different prices. The details are as follows:

Operating principle of the visual granulator:

The vision granulator takes pictures through the camera, and then processes and analyzes the pictures using computer image processing technology to identify the position and quantity of each item, so as to achieve the purpose of counting.

Scope of use:

Visual granulator It is suitable for counting objects with complex shapes, such as fruits, vegetables, sweets, medicines, etc. Its calculation accuracy is high, and it can identify items of various colors and shapes. It is suitable for production environments with multiple varieties and small batches.


Compared with the photoelectric counting machine, the visual counting machine has the following characteristics:

-The calculation accuracy is higher, and it can adapt to objects of various colors and shapes.

-It can provide traceability and integration management functions to facilitate production management.

-The price is relatively high.

 Granulometer, electronic granulator, price of granulator, granulator manufacturer, visual granulator, counting packaging machine.jpg

Photoelectric granulator Operating principle of:

Based on the reflection or transmission principle, the photoelectric counting machine uses photoelectric sensors to detect the changes of photoelectric signals flowing through the material channel, and uses the relevant circuit to convert the photoelectric signals into electronic signals, and finally counts the quantity and speed of materials flowing through to obtain the quantity of articles.

Scope of use:

Photoelectric granulator is suitable for counting articles with regular shape and uniform size, such as electronic components, coins, hardware, etc. Its fast speed and stable output are suitable for the production environment of large batch and single variety.


Compared with the visual counting machine, the photoelectric counting machine has the following characteristics:

-It can adapt to articles with regular shape and uniform size.

-Simple operation, fast speed, suitable for high-speed production line.

-The price is relatively low.

To sum up, the visual granulator and the photoelectric granulator have different working principles, application scope and characteristics, resulting in different prices. Consumers can choose suitable granulators according to their own needs.

Related labels: Visual granulator

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