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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

How to choose a good capping machine for shampoo and other shampoo products?

Date of issue: 2023-08-21 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

 Shower gel capper.jpg

Choose a good one Capping machine It is very important for the production of washing products. The capping machine can automatically complete the work of capping and capping, effectively reducing the labor intensity of workers and improving production efficiency.

Capping machine The bottle is transferred to the corresponding position through the motion control system. In the capping part, the bottle cap is grabbed and tightly screwed on the bottle to complete the installation of the cap.

Capping machine Advantages:

1. Automatic capping and capping: The capping machine can automatically complete the capping and capping operations without manual intervention, saving human resources.

2. Reduce labor intensity of workers: The traditional cover installation requires manual operation by workers, while the capping machine can be fully automated, reducing the labor burden of workers.

3. Applicable to pump head cover products: capping machine can be equipped with cap guide device to make it suitable for the cover with pump head, effectively improving production efficiency.

4. Hygiene and safety: parts in contact with bottles and caps adopt non-toxic synchronous belts and non-toxic cap spinning wheels to ensure product safety and health.

5. Simple maintenance: the capping machine is simple in structure, more convenient in parts maintenance, and reduces maintenance costs and downtime.

6. One machine for multiple purposes: capping machine can be used together with other packaging equipment, such as Aluminum foil sealing machine Labeling machine And improved production efficiency and automation.

Choose a good one Capping machine It can make the production of washing and nursing products more efficient, save human resources, improve safety and health standards, and provide better production solutions for manufacturers.

Related labels: Capping machine , Capping machine price , Capping machine manufacturer , Capping machine , Capping machine manufacturer , Price of capping machine , Shower gel screw cap , Pump head cover screw cap , Shampoo cap

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