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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

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  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good capping machine for sauce bottles?

    It is usually liquid or semi-solid sauces that need to be sealed with a lid, such as tomato sauce, chili sauce, peanut butter, vinegar, etc. The capping machine is suitable for sauce bottles of various specifications and shapes, providing an ideal sealing method. Whether it is small-scale production or large-scale production, capping machine can be considered to improve work efficiency and product quality. Advantages of capping machine for sauce bottle
    Published on: October 27, 2023 Clicks: 12

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction to working principle and application field of capping machine

    Capping machine is a machine that can seal bottles by rotating the bottle caps. When using the capping machine, first place the bottle to be sealed on the conveyor, and then send the bottle to the rotating mechanism through the conveyor. Under the action of the rotating mechanism, the bottle cap will be driven to rotate to the correct position, and then screwed tightly to achieve the sealing effect. Then the bottle will be transferred to the next
    Published on: September 7, 2023 Clicks: 31

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good capping machine for shampoo and other shampoo products?

    It is very important to select a good capping machine for the production of cleaning products. The capping machine can automatically complete the work of capping and capping, effectively reducing the labor intensity of workers and improving production efficiency. The capping machine transmits the bottle to the corresponding position through the motion control system. In the capping part, the bottle cap is grabbed and tightly screwed on the bottle to complete the installation of the cap. Advantages of capping machine
    Published on: August 21, 2023 Clicks: 33

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