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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Introduction to the working principle of capsule counting machine

Date of issue: 2024-01-08 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

Electronic capsule counting machine It is a device for counting, subpackaging and packaging capsules. Its working principle includes the following steps:

1. Feeding: Pour the drug capsule into the hopper.

2. Pre grading: the capsules are preliminarily pre graded through the vibration device to remove the too large or too small capsules.

3. Counting: The capsule enters the part where several capsules are counted by photoelectric or piezoelectric sensors.

4. Sub packaging: the counted capsules are sub packaged into containers according to the preset quantity.

5. Packaging: After granulation, the container shall be sealed and packaged.

According to different shapes and materials, capsules can be divided into various types, such as hard capsules, soft capsules, transparent capsules, granular capsules, etc.

use Capsule counting machine The following benefits are brought to the manufacturer:

1. Improve production efficiency: The capsule counting machine can count and sub pack capsules at a high speed and accurately, greatly improving production efficiency.

2. Reduce manual errors: use the machine to count and sub pack capsules, which can reduce errors and missing counts during manual operation.

3. Cost reduction: The automated operation reduces the labor input and effectively reduces the production cost.

4. Ensure product quality: Capsule counting packaging machine Through precise counting and sub packaging technology, the number of capsules in each container is ensured to be accurate, and the product quality is improved.

The operation method and use mode of capsule counting machine may vary depending on the specific equipment model and manufacturer. Generally speaking, the operation method includes the switch control of equipment, material delivery, setting the counting quantity, etc. Read the operation manual of the equipment carefully before use, and operate correctly according to the instructions. Equipment manufacturers usually provide professional training and technical support.

In the future, with the development of the pharmaceutical industry, the capsule counting machine has a broad application prospect in pharmaceutical production. It can help enterprises improve production efficiency and product quality, and adapt to changes in market demand. With the continuous progress of technology, the capsule counting machine may become more intelligent and automated, providing more efficient and reliable solutions for drug production.

Related labels: Granulator , Electronic granulator , Price of granulator , Granulator manufacturer , Counter , Counting packaging machine , Capsule counting machine , Capsule tablet , Coated tablet , Pills , Soft capsule , Medicine pill , Packaging machinery

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