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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

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  • [ Industry News ] Introduction to the working principle of capsule counting machine

    Electronic capsule counting machine is a device used for counting, sub packaging and packaging capsules. Its working principle includes the following steps: 1. Feeding: Pour the drug capsule into the hopper. 2. Pre grading: the capsules are preliminarily pre graded through the vibration device to remove the too large or too small capsules. 3. Counting: capsule enters several parts and passes through photoelectric or piezoelectric sensor
    Published on: January 8, 2024 Clicks: 74

  • [ Industry News ] Benefits of using pill counting machine

    Pill counting machine is a machine used for counting and packaging pills. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, accuracy and automation, which can greatly improve the efficiency and quality of drug production. Granular pills packed with several capsules have the following advantages: 1. Accurate counting: the granulator can achieve accurate counting and avoid the quantity error caused by manual operation. 2. Improve efficiency: mechanized design
    Published on: January 3, 2024 Number of hits: 24

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