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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Use and maintenance of granulator

Date of issue: 2024-01-31 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

Granulator It is a kind of equipment used to measure and package small particle materials according to a certain amount.

The following are general guidelines for the use and maintenance of the granulator:

Before using the granulator, check and prepare the equipment to ensure normal operation of the equipment. Check the working conditions of the drive system, feeding system, metering system and other parts to ensure that there is no abnormality.

Adjust the metering parameters of the granulator as required, including the metering accuracy and range of materials. Ensure that the granulator can accurately measure the required amount of materials.

Put the materials to be packed into the feeding system of the granulator. Pay attention to the quality and dryness of materials to avoid affecting the measurement and packaging effect.

start-up Electronic granulator And observe its operation status. Observe the measurement and packaging effect of materials to ensure that they meet the requirements.

Regularly clean all parts of the granulator, including the feeding system, metering system, transmission system, etc. Remove material residues and dust, and keep the equipment clean and sanitary.

Regularly check and maintain the key parts of the granulator, including the lubrication of the transmission system and the inspection of fasteners. Ensure the normal operation and safety of the equipment.   Regular calibration Several grain packaging machine To ensure the accuracy of measurement. Adjust and calibrate as needed to ensure the quality and accuracy of packaging

Pay attention to the safe use of the granulator, and comply with the operating procedures and safety operation requirements of the equipment. Wear protective equipment when using to avoid accidents.

In general, when using the granulator, attention should be paid to the normal operation of the equipment, the quality and dryness of materials, and regular cleaning and maintenance. Keeping equipment in good condition and accurate measurement can improve production efficiency and packaging quality. If there are special use and maintenance requirements, the operation shall be carried out according to the equipment instructions and the instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Related labels: Price of granulator , Point packaging machine , Several bottling lines , How to use the granulator , Maintenance method of granulator

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