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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Label search results: Product: 0, News: 2

  • [ Industry News ] Use and maintenance of granulator

    The granulator is a kind of equipment used to measure and package small granular materials according to a certain amount. The following is a general guide for the use and maintenance of the granulator: before using the granulator, check and prepare the equipment to ensure its normal operation. Check the working conditions of the drive system, feeding system, metering system and other parts to ensure that there is no abnormality. Adjust several capsules as required
    Published on: January 31, 2024 Clicks: 13

  • [ Industry News ] Development Prospect of Counting Packaging Machine

    Counting packaging machine is a kind of equipment used for automatic counting and packaging. It is widely used in many industries. With the continuous development of technology, the prospect of machines is very broad. The following are some aspects of the development prospects of counting and packaging machines: automated production: With the improvement of industrial automation, more and more enterprises begin to use counting and packaging machines to replace the traditional manual counting
    Published on: January 30, 2024 Clicks: 16

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