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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Label search results: Product: 3, News: 2

  • [ Industry News ] Working Principle of Bottle Filling Line with Several Mouth Cigarettes

    The bottling line for several pieces of oral cigarettes is used to automate the production process of oral cigarettes. It is mainly composed of the following parts: 1. Conveying system: used to convey the oral smoke to be processed from the initial position to the next workstation. 2. Packaging manipulator: responsible for putting the cigarette in the bottle correctly. 3. Granule counting machine: it is used to accurately fill the oral cigarettes. four
    Published on: January 29, 2024 Number of hits: 15

  • [ Industry News ] What kind of equipment is used for the production line of soft candy bottles?

    As for the composition of the soft candy bottling production line, it generally includes the following parts: 1. Conveying system: the soft candy is transported from the raw material warehouse or the previous process of the production line to the feed port of the granulator. 2. Granulator: used for counting and bottling soft sweets. 3. Bottle supply system: supply bottles to the granulator to fill the calculated soft candy. 4. Sealing machine: seal the bottle containing soft candy
    Published on: November 13, 2023 Clicks: 23

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