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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Working Principle of Bottle Filling Line with Several Mouth Cigarettes

Date of issue: 2024-01-29 Author: Granulator manufacturer Click:

Bottle line with several cigarettes at the mouth It is used to automate the production process of oral cigarettes.

It mainly consists of the following parts:

1. Conveying system: It is used to convey the oral cigarettes to be processed from the initial position to the next workstation.

2. Packaging manipulator: responsible for putting the cigarette in the bottle correctly.

three Granulator : It is used to accurately fill the mouth containing cigarettes.

4. Detection device: used to detect whether the cigarette contained in the mouth meets the product standards, such as weight, appearance, etc.

five Labeling machine : The packaged oral cigarettes are quickly positioned and labeled.

The working principle of the line is as follows: first, the oral cigarettes to be processed enter the production line through the conveying system and are placed in the bottles according to the preset rules. Then, the bottle is tested by the testing device during the process of transferring the bottle to the next workstation in the bottling system. If the oral smoke does not meet the product standard, it will be rejected or re treated. Finally, through the command of the control system, the whole process realizes automatic operation.

Used by the manufacturer Bottle line with several cigarettes at the mouth It has the following advantages:

1. Improve production efficiency: The bottling line with several cigarettes in mouth can realize fully automated production, greatly improving production efficiency and reducing the need for manual operation.

2. Guarantee of product quality: Through the quality inspection of the detection device, the cigarette contained in the mouth can be removed or re treated in time, ensuring that the product quality meets the standards.

3. Reduce production costs: automated production can reduce human investment, reduce production costs and improve production efficiency.

4. Improve operational flexibility: The bottling line with several cigarettes per mouth can be set and adjusted according to the needs of different products, improving the flexibility and adaptability of the production line.

Related labels: Granulator , Electronic granulator , Price of granulator , Granulator manufacturer , Counter , Counting packaging machine , Packaging machine with cigarette points for mouth , Cigarette filter packaging machine , Several bottle filling line

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