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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

Label search results: Product: 1, News: 3

  • [ Industry News ] Chlorine tablets need several pieces of packaging How to choose a good packaging machine?

    All chlorine tablets should be stored in a dry, cool, dark, ventilated place and out of the reach of children. Its packaging sealing performance is good, otherwise the chlorine released by the chlorine containing disinfectant is harmful to human health. Chlorine poisoning may occur if a large amount of chlorine is inhaled. Chlorine tablet counting machine is a kind of equipment used to calculate and separate chlorine tablet quickly and accurately. Its main advantages are as follows
    Published on: September 26, 2023 Number of hits: 25

  • [ Industry News ] The application of granulator in pharmaceutical industry

    Pelletizer is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, mainly for counting and packaging of tablets, granules and capsules. Several common applications of the tablet counting machine in the pharmaceutical industry: 1. Tablet counting: The tablet counting machine can count the tablets quickly and accurately, and sub pack them into the medicine box, medicine bag or medicine bottle. This improves the accuracy of counting and saves labor costs. two
    Published on: September 19, 2023 Clicks: 14

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good granulator for Chinese medicine pills and health pills?

    Advantages of pill counting machine: 1. Speed and accuracy: the pill counting machine should have fast and accurate counting ability to improve production efficiency. Selecting a granulator with high-speed dynamic scanning counting function can better meet the demand. 2. Control system: PLC control system shall be adopted for the granulator to ensure stable operation and accurate counting. PLC control system can also
    Published on: August 16, 2023 Number of hits: 20

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