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thirteen billion eight hundred and seventeen million eight hundred and eighty-two thousand four hundred and twenty-eight

How to choose and purchase full-automatic electronic tablets—— Counter video

Date of issue: 2020-10-24 Author: Manufacturer of automatic counting machine Click:

Today Full automatic electronic granulator With more and more applications and manufacturers, I don't know what kind of granulator to use or which one to use? Then, if you know the technology and structure of the electronic granulator, you can identify and screen it yourself, and summarize the factors you should pay attention to when purchasing the granulator, hoping to help the majority of pharmaceutical manufacturers when purchasing equipment.
The granulator has experienced two generations of development, and now it has developed from the first generation Mechanical granulator It has developed into the current mainstream photoelectric granulator. With the arrival of Industry 4.0, the intellectualization of the granulator is an inevitable trend. The domestic intelligent granulator was born in 2012, which was developed and manufactured by Mite Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. on the basis of optoelectronic technology and big data analysis. The full-automatic electronic granulators discussed here by Guangdong Ruiqi refer to those adopting photoelectric induction technology.
The following factors can be referred to when purchasing the granulator:
1. First, the applicability of the tablet counting machine: there are many types of drug granules, so we should try our best to purchase a tablet counting machine that is fully compatible with tablets (including various shaped tablets), capsules (including transparent and opaque soft and hard capsules), and pills (soft and hard), and at the same time, we should flexibly adjust and adapt the packaging bottles of different specifications, Such a production line can be suitable for different medicine granules, so as to reduce the number of purchased equipment, save costs and plant space.
2. The necessary conditions of the granulator are accurate and reliable: generally, there are four links that affect the filling accuracy of the granulator. The first is photoelectric sensor, the second is bin dividing mechanism, the third is blanking port, and the fourth is bottle feeding mechanism. The equipment shall adopt high dust resistant sensing technology to ensure continuous and reliable counting even if it works at high speed for a long time. Secondly, the design and manufacture of each mechanism should be scientific, reasonable and reliable. At the same time, the working status of each mechanism must be monitored comprehensively and in real time. Once abnormalities are found, alarm and execute corresponding actions in a timely manner.
3. Ease of operation of the granulator: This requires that the granulator should fully adapt to the current situation of the pharmaceutical factory operators and maintenance personnel, and be easy to adjust, operate and clean. For example, the operation panel of the electronic granulator preferably uses the LCD touch screen, which can realize all advanced functions such as digital adjustment of working parameters, multi group parameter storage, system self inspection, working status indication, fault alarm, etc.
4. Safety of the granulator: including the safety of operation in the packaging process and the protection of drug quality; In addition to selecting appropriate safety materials for the protection of drug quality, it is necessary to ensure that no damage to drugs is caused during the counting process, and the equipment must have a reasonable management, drug delivery and warehouse separation mechanism.
5. Select the supplier with independent technology: the electronic multi granule equipment is highly professional and highly technical, so the professional supplier with independent technology should be selected. They have a perfect quality assurance system, can quickly respond to the personalized needs of users, and provide systematic training to relevant personnel of users... It is difficult for imitation, agent, and complete set manufacturers to provide users with perfect and reliable pre-sales, in-process, and after-sales services.

Related labels: Electronic granulator

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