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Label search results: 25 products, 195 news

  • [ Industry News ] Soybean products need several pieces of packaging. How to choose a good several pieces of packaging machine?

    The tofu packing machine is usually an automatic production equipment, which is used to accurately count and package the tofu. This equipment can improve packaging efficiency, ensure accurate packaging quantity, reduce labor and other benefits. The granulator can ensure that the quantity of bean products in each packaging bag is accurate and avoid short or missing packaging. Fangxing Full Automatic Bean Soak Counting Machine
    Published on: March 13, 2024 Number of hits: 5

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction to the packing line for chicken nuggets

    The packing line for chicken nuggets is a production line specially used for packing several pieces of food products. It can automatically count chicken pieces and other meat products according to the set quantity, and put them into the packaging bag. The multi grain packaging line can be widely used for packaging various food products. In addition to chicken pieces, it can also include fish pieces, meat balls, quail eggs, sea cucumbers and other granular or blocky foods
    Published on: March 12, 2024 Number of hits: 7

  • [ Industry News ] What are the benefits of using the pill wormwood pill counting machine?

    When selecting a traditional pill counting machine, a variety of factors should be considered comprehensively, including the degree of automation, packaging effect, production capacity and efficiency, materials and health, price and service, etc. Packaging machines with high degree of automation can reduce manual intervention, improve production efficiency and reduce error rate. Therefore, the degree of automation can be considered when selecting the traditional pill counting packaging machine, such as
    Published on: March 11, 2024 Clicks: 9

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of Wonton Dry Counting Packaging Machine

    Wonton dry counting granulator is a kind of counting and packaging equipment specially used for Wonton dry or other similar products. It uses advanced sensors and counting technology, can accurately count the quantity of wonton dry, and automatically package them into a specified number of packaging bags or containers. Compared with manual counting packaging, the wonton dry counting packaging machine has the following advantages: 1. Improve production efficiency: the counting machine can
    Published on: February 27, 2024 Clicks: 13

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good freeze-dried meat granulator?

    The freeze-dried meat granule counting machine is an automatic equipment, which is used to count and package the freeze-dried meat granules according to the preset quantity quickly and accurately. Compared with manual counting and packaging, the freeze-dried meat granule counting and packaging machine has the following advantages: 1. Improve production efficiency: the freeze-dried meat granule counting and packaging machine can count and package a large number of meat granules in a short time, greatly improving production efficiency. two
    Published on: February 26, 2024 Clicks: 9

  • [ Industry News ] Improving Product Competitiveness: Selection and Optimization of Packaging Equipment

    Importance of packaging equipment Several packaging lines can enhance the product image: exquisite packaging can add added value to the product and attract the attention of consumers. Several thread protection products: protect the products from damage during transportation and storage, and maintain the integrity and quality of the products. Improve production efficiency: automated packaging equipment can greatly improve production efficiency and reduce labor costs. package
    Published on: February 23, 2024 Clicks: 12

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good packaging machine for Ocean Ball?

    The following factors can be taken into consideration when selecting a good ocean ball packing machine: 1. High efficiency: the production efficiency of the packing machine should be high, which can meet the needs of mass production. 2. Accurate counting: The counting machine shall have accurate counting function to ensure that the number of ocean balls in each packaging bag is consistent. 3. Safe and reliable: the packaging machine should have appropriate safety protection
    Published on: February 22, 2024 Number of hits: 7

  • [ Industry News ] How to select a good granulator for round ball?

    Ball counting packaging machine is a kind of equipment used to automatically count and package granular goods. It is widely used in food, medicine, cosmetics and other fields in the packaging industry. Working principle of the ball counting machine: the ball counting machine is mainly composed of feeding, counting, subpackaging and discharging parts. When the product passes through the rolling track, the ball will push the product one by one to the meter
    Published on: February 21, 2024 Number of hits: 7

  • [ Industry News ] What are the equipment components of the bottle packaging line for several tablets?

    The tablet bottle packaging line consists of: 1. conveying system: used to transport tablets or granules to the workbench of the packaging machine. 2. Dispensing counting system: the tablet counting machine will dispense tablets or granules into bottles according to the set quantity (also can be bagged/boxed) to ensure that each package meets the standard. 3. Sealing system: the capping machine will screw the bottle tightly, and the aluminum foil sealing machine will split the small bags
    Published on: February 20, 2024 Number of hits: 10

  • [ Industry News ] Working principle of candy counting and packaging machine

    Candy counting and packaging machine is an automatic equipment for counting and packaging candies, which can help manufacturers improve production efficiency and packaging accuracy. Candy counting and packaging machine is a kind of machine equipment specially used for counting and packaging candies. It realizes accurate counting and rapid packaging of candies through automation. Working principle of candy counting packaging machine
    Published on: February 19, 2024 Clicks: 21

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good packaging machine for betel nuts?

    The following points should be considered when selecting a good multi pellet packer: 1. The counting speed of the multi pellet packer: select the appropriate production capacity according to your demand to avoid insufficient production or waste of resources. 2. Precision and stability of the multi grain packaging machine: the multi grain packaging machine needs high precision to ensure the accuracy of the quantity of products in each bag, and the stability can ensure that it can work continuously for a long time
    Published on: February 18, 2024 Clicks: 17

  • [ Industry News ] Working principle and main performance of electronic granulator

    Electronic granulator is a kind of modern packaging equipment. Its working principle is to count materials quickly and accurately through photoelectric sensors or vibrating plates and other detection devices, and then send the appropriate amount of materials into packaging bags/boxes/bottles, so as to achieve batch and efficient packaging production. The main performances include high-precision counting, high-speed packaging, adjustable counting range, etc. Electronic granulator
    Published on: February 8, 2024 Clicks: 16

  • [ Industry News ] Manufacturer of quail egg counting and packaging machine

    Quail egg counting and packaging machine is a special equipment for automatic counting and packaging of quail eggs. The following is an introduction to the quail egg counting and packaging machine: 1. The quail egg counting and packaging machine is mainly applicable to the counting and packaging of quail eggs. The equipment is applicable to the counting and packaging of eggs of all sizes and varieties. It can accurately count quail eggs according to the set counting quantity, and
    Published on: February 7, 2024 Clicks: 14

  • [ Industry News ] What is the working principle of screw granulator?

    Screw counting machine is a kind of equipment used for automatic counting and packaging of screws. It can help the efficiency and accuracy in the production process. The following is the working principle of the screw granulator and some common parts that can be used for counting and packaging of the granulator: the working principle of the square star screw nut granulator: the screw granulator first puts the screws from the feed port onto the vibrating plate or conveyor belt
    Published on: February 6, 2024 Number of hits: 18

  • [ Industry News ] What are the advantages of counting and packaging small parts with a granulator?

    Small parts counting packaging machine is designed to handle various small parts, including screws, bolts, washers, nuts and other similar items. These machines use various techniques to count parts accurately and quickly. Some counters use optical sensors to detect and count parts, while others use mechanical systems or a combination of both. The choice of technology depends on the application of
    Published on: February 4, 2024 Clicks: 26

  • [ Industry News ] How to ensure the packaging accuracy of several packaging lines?

    The following measures can be taken to ensure the packaging accuracy of several pieces of packaging line: 1. Select high-precision counters and sensors: can more accurately count the number of items and reduce errors. At the same time, the accuracy of counters and sensors should be checked and calibrated regularly to ensure their stable and reliable performance. 2. Adjust the proper packing speed: too fast packing speed may lead to inaccurate counting
    Published on: February 1, 2024 Clicks: 11

  • [ Industry News ] The working principle of Lego toy packaging machine

    Lego toy packaging machine is an automatic device used to count and package Lego toy parts. Its working principle is as follows: parts supply: Lego's parts will be input into the multi capsule packaging machine through the supply system. Counting: several pieces of packaging machine uses sensors or image recognition technology to count the parts. These technologies can accurately identify and calculate components
    Published on: February 1, 2024 Clicks: 17

  • [ Industry News ] Use and maintenance of granulator

    The granulator is a kind of equipment used to measure and package small granular materials according to a certain amount. The following is a general guide for the use and maintenance of the granulator: before using the granulator, check and prepare the equipment to ensure its normal operation. Check the working conditions of the drive system, feeding system, metering system and other parts to ensure that there is no abnormality. Adjust several capsules as required
    Published on: January 31, 2024 Clicks: 13

  • [ Industry News ] Development Prospect of Counting Packaging Machine

    Counting packaging machine is a kind of equipment used for automatic counting and packaging. It is widely used in many industries. With the continuous development of technology, the prospect of machines is very broad. The following are some aspects of the development prospects of counting and packaging machines: automated production: With the improvement of industrial automation, more and more enterprises begin to use counting and packaging machines to replace the traditional manual counting
    Published on: January 30, 2024 Clicks: 16

  • [ Industry News ] Working Principle of Bottle Filling Line with Several Mouth Cigarettes

    The bottling line for several pieces of oral cigarettes is used to automate the production process of oral cigarettes. It is mainly composed of the following parts: 1. Conveying system: used to convey the oral smoke to be processed from the initial position to the next workstation. 2. Packaging manipulator: responsible for putting the cigarette in the bottle correctly. 3. Granule counting machine: it is used to accurately fill the oral cigarettes. four
    Published on: January 29, 2024 Number of hits: 15

  • [ Industry News ] Difficulties and solutions of counting and packaging of fish oil capsules

    The difficulties of the counting and packaging machine for fish oil capsules mainly include the following aspects: differences in capsule shape and size: fish oil capsules are usually soft capsules with different shapes and sizes, which makes accurate counting difficult. Stickiness: Because fish oil capsules contain oily ingredients, they tend to stick together, making it difficult to separate individual capsules, which also affects the accuracy of counting. Poor fluidity: compared with particles
    Published on: January 26, 2024 Number of hits: 15

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of the packaging machine for porcelain fused to denture teeth

    The electronic counting machine for dentures is a kind of equipment used for automatically counting and packaging dentures. It consists of counting unit, packaging unit and control system. The working principle of the porcelain teeth counting packaging machine is to detect the number of false teeth through sensors, and sub pack them into boxes according to the preset packaging number. At the same time, the equipment can also classify and position the dentures to ensure that
    Published on: January 25th, 2024 Number of hits: 18

  • [ Industry News ] What are the benefits of using the connector to visually count the grains?

    The connector visual counting packaging machine is a kind of equipment specially used for counting and packaging metal parts. It uses a visual system for detection and counting to ensure that the number of parts in each package is accurate. The working principle usually includes the following steps: 1. The metal parts are transported to the detection area of the vision system by the conveyor. 2. Vision system carries out image recognition on parts
    Published on: January 24, 2024 Number of hits: 13

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of button vision packaging machine

    Button visual counting machine is a machine that uses visual technology to count and automatically package buttons. It can be used for counting and packaging buttons and other similar materials. The use of button vision counting machine for counting and packaging has the following advantages: 1. Efficient and accurate: the vision system can quickly and accurately identify and count buttons to improve production efficiency. 2. Automation: button
    Published on: January 23, 2024 Number of hits: 23

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of soup bag feeding and counting machine

    The soup bag feeding and counting machine is a kind of equipment specially used to count the number of soup bags and pack them in bags. It automatically packs the soup packets to the predetermined quantity through the counting device, and completes the sealing, labeling and other processes. There are many ways to package soup bags, including single package, several package and whole package. The package of several pieces is to pack the soup bags according to the preset number
    Published on: January 22, 2024 Number of hits: 16

  • [ Industry News ] From granulator to packaging production line: relationship between mechanical equipment and production line

    In the packaging industry, the relationship between machinery and production line is crucial. As a professional manufacturer of several pieces of packaging equipment, we are well aware of the importance of mechanical equipment to the production line and the interaction between them. The granulator is an important part of the packaging production line. It is mainly used to count and sub pack materials according to a certain quantity and specification. Its working efficiency and accuracy
    Published on: January 19, 2024 Number of hits: 16

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of rivet granulator

    Rivet counting machine is a kind of equipment specially used for automatic counting and packaging of rivets. The utility model can automatically sub assemble and seal the rivets according to the specified number, thereby improving the production efficiency. There are several advantages to use the multi grain packaging machine to package hardware: 1. Improve packaging efficiency: the multi grain packaging machine can automatically count and package hardware, and it is fast, greatly improving the packaging efficiency
    Published on: January 18, 2024 Number of hits: 18

  • [ Industry News ] Solution to problems people will encounter when using the granulator

    Pill filling machine is a commonly used pharmaceutical machinery equipment in pharmaceutical, food, chemical and other fields. Some common problems may occur with the granulator during use. 1. Reason for inaccurate counting of pills: sensor sensing position error. 2. Solution to incorrect setting of counting system parameters and blocked material flow: adjust sensor sensing position, check and adjust counting system parameters
    Published on: January 17, 2024 Number of hits: 20

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of granule mixing and several granule packaging machine

    The machine is suitable for medicine, food, cosmetics and other industries, especially for product packaging requiring accurate counting, such as drug capsules, food candy, etc. The human body needs to take in more than 40 kinds of nutrients every day, but today's dietary structure has determined that it is difficult to meet the normal nutritional needs of the human body from food alone. By adjusting the nutritional balance in the body through dietary supplements
    Published on: January 16, 2024 Number of hits: 23

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good screw point packaging machine?

    The screw automatic counting and packaging machine is a kind of equipment used to automatically count and package hardware products such as screws according to the quantity. 1、 Working principle of screw automatic counting packaging machine: 1. First, the screw will be transported to the counting area. 2. In the point area, photoelectric sensors and other devices will detect the passing of screws, so as to record the number of screws. 3. When the preset number is reached
    Published on: January 15, 2024 Clicks: 21

  • [ Industry News ] Considerations of capsule manufacturers in selecting packaging lines

    Factors considered by capsule manufacturers when selecting packaging lines: 1. Production capacity: evaluate whether the production capacity of several capsule packaging production lines can meet the needs of capsule production. Consider the packaging speed, packaging quantity, production scale and other factors of the packaging production line. 2. Degree of automation: consider the degree of automation of the packaging production line, including automatic bag making, filling, sealing, printing and cutting
    Published on: January 11, 2024 Number of hits: 24

  • [ Industry News ] What packaging machinery is the triangle tablet sugar number line composed of?

    Triangle tablet sugar counting line is a production line that packages sugar tablets according to the set quantity. This packaging method has the following advantages: 1. Accurate counting: by counting the lines, you can ensure that the quantity of each piece of sugar is accurate, avoiding possible manual errors in manual packaging. 2. Improve efficiency: using several threads can greatly improve the packaging speed and production efficiency,
    Published on: January 11, 2024 Number of hits: 20

  • [ Industry News ] How are beads packed in several pieces?

    Manual beading counting machine is a machine specially used for automatic counting and packaging of manual beading. It uses advanced technology and equipment to count and package beads efficiently and accurately. The working principle of the square star bead counting machine is as follows: first, put the beads to be packaged into the feed port of the machine; Then, the beads are counted and detected by sensors; last
    Published on: January 10, 2024 Number of hits: 16

  • [ Industry News ] What are the components of the soft capsule line?

    The soft capsule counting line usually consists of the following main parts: 1. Glue supply system: the part of the conveyor belt used to supply the capsule shell, including the glue supply area, capsule conveyor, etc. 2. Metering system: the part of the granulator used to accurately measure the drug mixture, including metering device, conveying device, etc. 3. Sealing system: aluminum foil sealing machine capping machine is used for mixing drugs
    Published on: January 9, 2024 Clicks: 24

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction to the working principle of capsule counting machine

    Electronic capsule counting machine is a device used for counting, sub packaging and packaging capsules. Its working principle includes the following steps: 1. Feeding: Pour the drug capsule into the hopper. 2. Pre grading: the capsules are preliminarily pre graded through the vibration device to remove the too large or too small capsules. 3. Counting: capsule enters several parts and passes through photoelectric or piezoelectric sensor
    Published on: January 8, 2024 Clicks: 74

  • [ Industry News ] How to select the appropriate packaging equipment? This is enough!

    Common packaging equipment granulator: it is used to count the products to be packaged according to a fixed number and then repackage them; Capping machine: used for automatically capping and screwing containers of different specifications; Sealing machine: a machine used to seal packaging containers, including hot pressing, fusion welding, capping, plug pressing, screwing, crimping, pressure, rolling, sewing and ligation; Labeling machine: used
    Published on: January 5, 2024 Number of hits: 16

  • [ Industry News ] What are the advantages of counting and packaging screws with a granulator?

    Screw counting machine is a kind of equipment specially used for counting and packaging metal parts (such as screws). It can bring the following benefits: 1. High efficiency: The screw counting machine can count a large number of metal parts quickly and accurately, which is more efficient than manual counting. 2. Error reduction: Through automatic counting, the error caused by human factors can be reduced and the accuracy of packaging can be improved.
    Published on: January 4, 2024 Number of hits: 29

  • [ Industry News ] Benefits of using pill counting machine

    Pill counting machine is a machine used for counting and packaging pills. It has the characteristics of high efficiency, accuracy and automation, which can greatly improve the efficiency and quality of drug production. Granular pills packed with several capsules have the following advantages: 1. Accurate counting: the granulator can achieve accurate counting and avoid the quantity error caused by manual operation. 2. Improve efficiency: mechanized design
    Published on: January 3, 2024 Number of hits: 24

  • [ Industry News ] What kind of multi pill packaging machine is good for pill packaging?

    Ball counting packaging machine is a kind of easy to use packaging machine, which has completely changed the way enterprises deal with and distribute products. It combines counting and packaging processes into an automated system, greatly reducing human errors, operating costs and packaging time. Counting and packaging machines have been used in various industries, including pharmaceuticals, food and beverage, and consumer goods. The number of pills is calculated by the packing machine
    Published on: January 2, 2024 Number of hits: 30

  • [ Industry News ] Advantages of using the packaging machine for several pieces of soft syrup

    Soft candy packaging machine is an indispensable equipment in the candy industry, providing unparalleled efficiency, accuracy and versatility in the packaging process. This innovative technology has changed the way candy is packaged, enabling manufacturers to meet the rapidly growing market demand while maintaining the highest quality and consistency standards. The core of the candy point packaging machine is a highly automated system, which aims to
    Published on: December 29, 2023 Number of hits: 38

  • [ Industry News ] How to select a good granulator for counting and packaging of seals?

    The sealing piece counting machine is a machine specially used for counting and packaging sealing pieces. The utility model can efficiently count the sealing elements according to a certain number, and package them through an appropriate packaging method. Seals are mainly used for sealing, fixing and connecting functions in mechanical assembly, automobile manufacturing, aerospace and other fields. They can effectively prevent liquids, gases, solids, etc
    Published on: December 28, 2023 Clicks: 27

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good compressed towel counting machine?

    The compressed towel counting machine is a machine specially used for compressing and packaging towels. By processing and compressing the towel, it makes the loose towel compact and compact, which is convenient to carry and store. The medical grade 304 stainless steel is generally used as the material of the multi grain packaging machine, which has good anti-corrosion performance, easy cleaning and hygiene, and ensures the hygiene and safety of the production process
    Published on: December 27, 2023 Clicks: 23

  • [ Industry News ] How to select a good heavy-duty connector counting machine?

    The heavy-duty connector counting machine is a device used to automatically count and package heavy-duty connectors. Through advanced technology and algorithm, it can count connectors at high speed and accurately, and pack them according to the preset quantity. Heavy duty connectors and other industrial products generally have the following packaging methods: 1. Bagging: put connectors into plastic bags according to a certain number and seal them. two
    Release time: December 25, 2023 Number of hits: 20

  • [ Industry News ] Can tea bags be counted and packed?

    The scented tea counting and packaging machine is a kind of equipment specially used for scented tea counting and packaging. The utility model can quickly and accurately divide the scented tea into the quantity required by each packing bag, and automatically seal it. Tea bags such as scented tea can be packaged in many ways, including: 1. Ordinary bags: put scented tea into bags, seal them and sell them. 2. Canning: put the scented tea into the jar and pass the vacuum
    Published on: December 22, 2023 Clicks: 71

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of visual counting packaging machine for luggage accessories

    The counting and packaging machine for bags and accessories is a kind of machine equipment used to count the boxes and accessories according to a certain number and automatically pack or package them. It can greatly improve production efficiency and packaging accuracy, and reduce manual operation and packaging errors. The characteristics of bag accessories such as packing machine can include the following aspects: 1. High accuracy counting: counting of bag accessories
    Published on: December 20, 2023 Clicks: 27

  • [ Industry News ] What are the packaging methods after counting the soft sweets?

    Soft candy counting machine is a machine used for counting and packaging soft candy. It can quickly and accurately pack soft sweets into packaging bags, bottles or boxes according to the predetermined quantity. There are a variety of packaging methods for fudge, and the common packaging methods include bottling, bagging and boxing. Different packaging methods have different benefits. Bottle filling can keep the uniform shape of soft candy, easy to display
    Published on: December 19, 2023 Clicks: 23

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good packaging machine for dried seafood such as sea cucumber?

    Sea cucumber visual counting packaging machine is a machine that uses visual technology to count and realize automatic packaging. It can efficiently and accurately count and package dried seafood such as sea cucumber, and improve production efficiency while ensuring the accuracy of counting. The counting packaging machine for dried sea cucumber and other seafood has the following advantages: 1. Accurate counting: using the counting packaging machine can ensure that each bag
    Published on: December 18th, 2023 Clicks: 24

  • [ Industry News ] How do frozen food manufacturers choose professional packaging machines?

    The counting and packaging machine for frozen food plays a key role in the food industry. With the accelerated pace of life and the increasing demand for convenient food, the importance of frozen food packaging machine is becoming increasingly prominent. These machines can efficiently package frozen food, maintain the freshness and quality of food, extend the shelf life, and meet consumers' needs for food safety and convenience. Square star
    Published on: December 15, 2023 Clicks: 27

  • [ Industry News ] What are the advantages of several capsules packed with several capsules in a bag type multi capsule packaging machine?

    The capsule feeding and counting machine is a kind of packaging machine specially used for capsules and other health products. It can automatically count and put drugs into bags. Capsule and other health products are mainly packaged in the following ways: bottle, bag, box, etc. The capsule feeding bag type granulator can be used to count and package various granular drugs, such as capsules, tablets, pills and other granular materials. Tablet glue
    Release time: December 14, 2023 Number of hits: 20

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a professional packaging machine for ceramic ball bearings?

    Ceramic ball for bearing is a kind of high performance ball, which has the advantages of wear resistance, high temperature resistance and low noise. The bag type multi grain packaging machine is a kind of equipment specially used to count and package materials according to a certain amount. The common packaging methods of ceramic balls for bearings are as follows: 1. Small packaging: ceramic balls are packaged in small bags or boxes according to a certain number
    Published on: December 13, 2023 Clicks: 31

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good cleaner?

    The cleaning block counting machine is a kind of equipment specially used for counting and packaging cleaning blocks. It can automatically count the cleaning blocks accurately, and then package them into small packages, improving production efficiency and packaging quality. The use of a granulator to count and package cleaning blocks has the following advantages: 1. High accuracy: the granulator uses advanced counting technology and sensors, which can accurately count each cleaning block, avoiding manual work
    Published on: December 12, 2023 Clicks: 47

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good electronic packaging machine?

    Electronic granulator is a device for counting electronic components, which can count electronic components quickly and accurately. Electronic granulator can be used to count various types of electronic components, such as resistance, capacitance, inductance, diode, emergency stop switch and other electronic components, integrated circuits, etc. These components usually appear in the form of small particles (such as SMD packaging)
    Published on: December 8, 2023 Clicks: 55

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good packaging machine for several tribute pills?

    The multi grain packaging machine has many advantages for the multi grain packaging of meatballs and other meatballs. First of all, the Fangxing pill counting machine can improve the packaging efficiency, making the packaging of tribute pills and other products faster and more convenient. Secondly, the Fangxing Pill Packaging Machine can provide high packaging accuracy to ensure that each tribute pill product has the same quantity, thus improving the packaging quality. Finally, the packing machine returns
    Published on: December 7, 2023 Clicks: 84

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good granulator for acid granulated fudge?

    Soft candy granulator can be used to count soft candy of various shapes and sizes, such as square, round, oval, and special shapes. Soft candy is generally packaged in cartons, cans, bags and other forms. Different packaging forms can be selected according to different market demands and consumption habits. The machine is a kind of equipment used to produce soft candy. Its main function is to
    Published on: December 6, 2023-10 Clicks: 20

  • [ Industry News ] How to pack the quail eggs in small bags into large bags?

    Quail egg vertical counting packaging machine is a kind of packaging machine specially used for accurate counting and packaging of quail eggs. It adopts advanced photoelectric counting technology, which can efficiently pack quail eggs into small bags according to preset quantity, and then put multiple small bags into large bags. This packaging method can not only ensure accurate quantity, but also improve packaging efficiency and ensure food
    Published on: December 5, 2023 Clicks: 16

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good packaging machine for eucalyptus leaf sugar and mint sugar?

    Mint candy counting and packaging machine is a production equipment specially used for automatic counting and packaging of mints. It usually consists of conveying system, counting system, packaging system and control system. Operating principle of eucalyptus sugar granulator: firstly, mints are sent to the counting system, and accurate counting is achieved through photoelectric sensors and other devices. Then, the counted mints are sent to the packaging system
    Published on: December 4, 2023 Clicks: 33

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good packaging machine for small beads?

    Multi grain packaging machine is a kind of machine equipment specially used for multi grain packaging of small beads and other decorative particles. Its working principle is to automatically sort and count decorative particles through photoelectric sensors and counters, and to package a specified number of decorative particles through a set program. The granulator can be used for different sizes of decorative particles, and only needs to be adjusted according to actual needs
    Published on: December 1, 2023 Clicks: 24

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction to the packing machine for several nuts a day

    Nut counting machine is a kind of equipment used to automatically pack nuts according to their quantity. It separates, counts and packs nuts according to preset quantity through specific working principle and technology to improve production efficiency and reduce labor costs. Nuts can help the human body obtain a variety of beneficial nutrients, such as protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, when taken in moderation
    Published on: November 30, 2023-19 Clicks: 19

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose the packing machine for quick frozen fish balls?

    The fish ball counting machine is a device for counting and packaging fish balls. In the traditional weighing and packaging process, errors and waste are easy to occur, and the use of the granulator can effectively solve these problems and save materials. The fish ball counting machine has a variety of packaging methods, which can be bottled, bagged, boxed and other forms to meet different packaging needs. Advantages of fish ball counting packaging machine
    Published on: November 29, 2023 Number of hits: 29

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good packaging machine for essence?

    The granulator is a machine used for automatically counting and packaging small particles. It can efficiently complete the counting and packaging of goods, greatly improve production efficiency and reduce human costs. It can be widely used in the packaging of cosmetics, making cosmetics packaging more efficient and hygienic and more in line with industry standards. The granulator is used in many industries, such as medicine and food
    Published on: November 28, 2023-15

  • [ Industry News ] How to select a good granulator for pinhole parts?

    The automatic pinhole packaging machine is an efficient production packaging tool, which can significantly improve production efficiency and reduce labor costs. The utility model can automatically load the screw pin hole pieces into a specified number of bags, and can also automatically cut the bags and complete the operations of sealing, marking, etc. Fangxing small parts packaging machine can improve production efficiency and complete packaging tasks faster and more accurately, compared with
    Published on: November 27, 2023 Clicks: 21

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good chocolate granulator?

    Chocolate granulator is a machine specially used for accurately packaging chocolate granules in a fixed number. The chocolate granulator can realize automatic and continuous operation, greatly improve the packaging efficiency, and reduce the time and labor cost of manual counting. Fangxing Granule Counting Packaging Machine adopts advanced counting technology, which can accurately calculate the quantity of each bag of chocolate, avoiding mistakes in manual counting
    Published on: November 24th, 2023 Clicks: 21

  • [ Industry News ] Which is better, weighing or counting?

    When choosing a quail egg packing machine, we often face an important question: is it better to choose weighing packaging or counting packaging? It depends on your specific needs and product features. The following will analyze these two packaging methods to help you make a more intelligent choice. The weighing package is suitable for the situation that quail eggs have a large number and need to be packaged in large quantities. The advantages of this method
    Published on: November 23, 2023-18

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good packaging machine for pet food?

    The machine can be used in various pet industries, such as pet hair removal tablets, cat grass tablets, fresh breath freeze-drying, etc. The packaging machine can automatically pack the freeze-dried particles according to the preset quantity, which is faster and more efficient than manual weighing. The counting packaging of pet food can accurately control the number of particles in each packaging bag to ensure the consistency of products
    Released on: November 22, 2023 Clicks: 21

  • [ Industry News ] Advantages of automatic capsule counting machine

    Capsule counting machine is a modern equipment widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. It can quickly and accurately count capsules, improve production efficiency and reduce manual error rate. This article will introduce the working principle of the automatic capsule counter. The automatic capsule counter uses advanced photoelectric technology and counting algorithm to scan and count capsules at high speed. The counting results are accurate and reliable,
    Published on: November 21, 2023 Clicks: 22

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction to the manufacturer of lollipop packing machine

    The lollipop packing machine is a machine specially used for packing lollipops. It has the following advantages: 1. High efficiency: The lollipop packing machine adopts automatic packing process, which can complete the packing task at a faster speed and improve production efficiency. 2. Accurate measurement: the machine can accurately measure the quantity of lollipops to be packaged to ensure the quantity of candy in each packaging bag
    Published on: 2023-11-20 Clicks: 11

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good granulator for jujube and wolfberry?

    Duobao tea is generally composed of black tea, green tea, chrysanthemum, medlar, red jujube and other ingredients. The quantity of jujube and wolfberry in Duobao tea is mostly calculated by particles, depending on the design and manufacturer of the product. The components of jujube and lycium barbarum in the product can be expressed more intuitively and accurately by particle calculation. In addition, it is convenient for consumers to know the number of red dates and medlar contained in each cup of tea
    Published on: November 17, 2023 Clicks: 24

  • [ Industry News ] The Application of Multi grain Packaging Machine in Stationery Industry

    The industry prospect of stationery counting packaging machine is broad. With the development of social economy and the improvement of people's aesthetic requirements, the packaging requirements for stationery products are becoming higher and higher. Counting packaging machine can improve packaging efficiency and accuracy, meet market demand, so it has broad prospects in the stationery industry. The following aspects can be taken into consideration when selecting a good counting packaging machine: 1. stability and
    Published on: November 16, 2023 Clicks: 21

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good counter packing machine for silicone nuts?

    The working principle of the silica gel counting packaging machine is generally to sense the falling of the silica gel through the sensor and transmit the signal to the counting system. The counting system will record the quantity of each product. When the set quantity is reached, it will automatically stop counting and package. The use of counting packaging machine for silica gel nuts has the following advantages: 1. Improve packaging efficiency: counting packaging machine can quickly and accurately deliver silica gel
    Published on: November 15, 2023 Clicks: 16

  • [ Industry News ] What kind of equipment is used for the production line of soft candy bottles?

    As for the composition of the soft candy bottling production line, it generally includes the following parts: 1. Conveying system: the soft candy is transported from the raw material warehouse or the previous process of the production line to the feed port of the granulator. 2. Granulator: used for counting and bottling soft sweets. 3. Bottle supply system: supply bottles to the granulator to fill the calculated soft candy. 4. Sealing machine: seal the bottle containing soft candy
    Published on: November 13, 2023 Clicks: 23

  • [ Industry News ] The application of several grain packaging machine in vacuum packaging snack industry

    In the snack industry, quail egg counting packaging machine is widely used in the packaging process of various snacks. Its advantage lies in fast and accurate counting and packaging of snacks, improving production efficiency and ensuring product quality. Especially for some snacks with small particles, the counting packaging machine can count accurately and pack quickly, saving labor costs and improving packaging efficiency. Quail egg counting packaging machine
    Published on: November 10, 2023 Number of hits: 30

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good counting packaging machine for granular materials such as sunflower seeds?

    Sunflower seed counting and packaging machine is a kind of equipment specially used for counting and packaging granular products. Work flow of sunflower seed counting and packaging machine: 1. Preparation: first, put sunflower seeds into the feeder to ensure smooth feeding. 2. Distribution: The counting packaging machine will distribute sunflower seeds into each packaging bag according to the preset counting value. 3. Encapsulation: Next
    Published on: November 9, 2023-10 Clicks: 20

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good packaging machine for freeze-dried wonton?

    The freeze-dried wonton counting packaging machine is a machine specially used for granulating and packaging freeze-dried wonton. Its working principle is to place the freeze-dried wonton in a specific loading bin, automatically count the wonton by setting several parameter parameters, and then pack and seal it. (Various packaging forms: bagged/boxed/bottled) can be customized and diversified. Use freeze-dried wonton to count packets
    Published on: November 8, 2023-10 Number of hits: 20

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose professional counting packaging machine for metal parts?

    The metal counting packaging machine has the following advantages and benefits: 1. Efficient and fast: The metal counting packaging machine uses automatic control and counting devices, which can quickly and accurately count and package metal pieces, and improve production efficiency and packaging speed. 2. Reduce manual errors: metal counting and packaging machine can automatically count and package, reduce the intervention of manual operation, and avoid
    Published on: November 7, 2023-10 Clicks: 20

  • [ Industry News ] How do manufacturers in the food industry choose suitable packaging equipment for several capsules?

    When food industry manufacturers select appropriate packaging equipment, they need to consider the following factors: 1. Food form: different foods have different properties, such as liquid, solid, powder, etc. The nature of food will determine the suitability of packaging equipment. For example, liquid food can choose filling machine or sealing machine, while solid food may need packaging machinery for weighing or counting packaging.
    Published on: November 6, 2023 Clicks: 22

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of the packing machine for dried figs

    The dried figs are packed by several packing machines. The packing machine automatically counts the dried figs according to the preset number of figs and puts them into the packing bag. The advantages of the machine are as follows: 1. Automatic and efficient: The machine can count and pack automatically, improving the packing speed and working efficiency. 2. Accurate measurement: several pieces of packaging machine can
    Published on: November 3, 2023 Number of hits: 20

  • [ Industry News ] Influence of capsule packaging machine on pharmaceutical industry

    The influence of capsule counting machine on the pharmaceutical industry is mainly reflected in the following aspects: improving product quality: through accurate counting and packaging of capsules, capsule counting machine can avoid manual counting errors and missing counting, thus improving product quality and reducing problems in the production process. Packaging process. Improve packaging efficiency: capsule counting packaging machine can complete the packaging at a high speed and accurately
    Released on: November 2, 2023 Clicks: 27

  • [ Industry News ] Application of Essence Granulator in Cosmetics Industry

    The industry prospect of Essence Granulator As people's demand for personal care and beauty continues to grow, the cosmetics market continues to expand. As an efficient and accurate packaging technology, the essence counting packaging machine can improve production efficiency and meet consumers' requirements for product quality and safety, so it has broad application prospects in the cosmetics industry. Pelletizer in cosmetics industry
    Published on: October 31, 2023 Clicks: 23

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good gum counting machine?

    Chewing gum can be counted and packaged with a granulator, which has the following advantages: 1. Accurate counting: The granulator can accurately calculate the quantity of chewing gum, ensure that each package contains a specified amount of chewing gum, and improve the accuracy and consistency of the packaging. 2. Improve efficiency: The counting machine can count and pack chewing gum according to the set quantity, which is more efficient and economical than manual counting and packaging
    Published on: October 30, 2023 Clicks: 24

  • [ Company News ] Exhibition trends of Shanghai Fangxing in October 2023

    Shanghai Fangxing Packaging Machinery, as an enterprise specialized in manufacturing and selling packaging machinery, has been committed to providing high-quality one-stop counting packaging services. From October 22 to 23, we participated in the SUPPLYSIDEWEST exhibition held in North America, and won the favor and praise of customers. During the exhibition, we showed one of our most developed
    Published on: October 26, 2023 Clicks: 26

  • [ Industry News ] 24 channel capsule counting machine - detailed introduction

    Capsule counting and packaging machine is a kind of equipment used for automatic counting and packaging of capsules. It usually consists of conveying system, counting system, sub packaging system and packaging system. After the capsules enter the machine, the counting system will automatically detect and accurately count the capsules and send them into the dispensing system. The dispensing system will then dispense the capsules into suitable containers or bags, and finally pass through the packaging system
    Published on: October 25, 2023 Clicks: 19

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose the automatic packing machine for fish balls?

    The counting and packaging machine for fish balls usually carries out counting and packaging through the following steps: 1. The fish balls first enter the interior of the granulator through the feeding device. 2. In the granulator, fish balls are separated into individual particles by vibration or rotation. 3. A single fish ball is sent to the counting device, which will count according to the preset parameters and detectors. 4. Calculation
    Published on: October 24th, 2023 Clicks: 24

  • [ Industry News ] Counting and packaging machine for orange fudge - product introduction

    There are many kinds of soft candies, such as jelly soft candies, milk soft candies, fruit soft candies, cotton candy, etc. The taste and taste of different kinds of soft sweets are different to meet the different preferences and needs of consumers. Counting packaging machines are widely used in the soft candy industry. It can be used for the packaging of single soft candy or multiple soft candy. In the packaging of single fudge
    Published on: October 23, 2023 Number of hits: 25

  • [ Industry News ] How to count and pack large quantities of rare earth magnets -- Visual counting packaging machine

    The visual counting packaging machine has the following advantages when counting rare earth magnets: 1. Efficient and accurate: The visual counting packaging machine can count rare earth magnets efficiently and accurately by using image recognition technology and counting algorithm. It can quickly identify and count rare earth magnets with different shapes, colors and sizes, and accurately allocate them to each packaging container. 2. Automatic packaging: visual
    Published on: October 20, 2023 Number of hits: 25

  • [ Industry News ] What is meatball counting packaging machine?

    Meatball counting and packaging machine is a machine used in the food industry, which is used to automatically count and package meatballs into containers or bags. How does the meatball counting and packaging machine work? Meatball counting and packaging machine is a special equipment for automatic counting and packaging of meatballs. The working principle of the machine is to feed the meatballs into the hopper first, and then guide them onto the conveyor belt. When meatballs are transported along
    Published on: October 19th, 2023 Clicks: 37

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a professional counting packaging machine for counting and packaging hardware accessories in batches?

    Common hardware accessories include screws, nuts, nuts, fasteners, fasteners, connectors, doors and windows, bag buckles, zippers, locks, etc. These hardware fittings are widely used in machinery manufacturing, construction, electronic products, home decoration and other fields. For hardware accessories such as cases and bags, the use of counting packaging machine can bring the following advantages: 1. Improve production efficiency: counting packaging machine can be fast
    Published on: October 18th, 2023 Clicks: 25

  • [ Industry News ] Strawberry fudge bag counting packaging machine - product explanation

    Advantages of fudge bag counting packaging machine: 1. The fudge granule counting packaging machine can help enterprises improve production efficiency, reduce the error rate of manual operation, and ensure the quality and consistency of products. 2. The use of automated gummy counting and packaging machine can save time and labor costs, and also reduce product damage rate and waste. 3. In the food processing industry, control
    Published on: October 17, 2023 Clicks: 23

  • [ Industry News ] Quick frozen food meatballs beef balls counting packaging machine - product explanation

    The counting and packaging machine for quick frozen food meatballs and beef balls is a packaging equipment for quick frozen food meatballs and beef balls. Its main function is to count the meat balls according to the preset quantity and package them into a unified packaging unit. The packaging methods are diverse, such as bags/boxes/bottles. The use of counting packaging machine to package beef balls has the following advantages: 1. Improve packaging efficiency: counting packaging
    Published on: October 16, 2023 Clicks: 23

  • [ Industry News ] Fangxing tablet counting machine - product science popularization

    Tablets can be counted and packaged with a granulator, which has the following advantages: 1. Improve packaging efficiency: the granulator can automatically and quickly count pills accurately, which is more efficient than manual packaging. It can greatly save labor costs and time costs, and improve production efficiency. 2. Reduction of human error: the granulator adopts advanced counting technology, which can count accurately and avoid the possibility of manual counting
    Published on: October 13, 2023 Clicks: 22

  • [ Industry News ] Fangxing Soft Candy Counting Packaging Machine - detailed explanation

    Using counting packaging machine to simplify the production of soft candy In recent years, soft candy has become more and more popular. Therefore, manufacturers continue to seek ways to improve their production processes to meet the growing demand. One area where significant improvements have been made is the counting and packaging machine for fudge. The function of fudge counting and packaging machine is to accurately count and package fudge. These machines use advanced technology to ensure that each package contains the correct
    Published on: October 12, 2023 Clicks: 29

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of multi material mixing granulator

    Multi material mixing granulator capsule can flexibly mix multiple materials, adjust the dosage according to the needs, count and output according to the set quantity, to meet the different needs of users. Through this method, each channel can operate independently, which is convenient to adjust the quantity of several pieces of materials needed and facilitate people to supplement the nutrition needed. The human body needs to supplement many nutrients every day, such as vitamin tablets
    Published on: October 11, 2023 Clicks: 37

  • [ Industry News ] Raspberry jelly needs several grains to be bottled. How to choose a good granulator?

    Soft candy counting machine is an automatic device, which can count soft candy quickly and accurately. It has the following advantages: 1. Improve production efficiency: The fudge granulator can count the fudge in a high-speed automatic way, greatly improving the production efficiency and avoiding the inefficiency and errors of manual counting. 2. Accurate and fast counting: The fudge granulator adopts precise sensing
    Published on: October 10, 2023 Clicks: 18

  • [ Industry News ] How are disinfection tablets counted and packed?

    The disinfection tablet counting and packaging machine is a machine used for accurate counting and automatic packaging of disinfection tablets. It can improve production efficiency, reduce manual operation, and ensure product quality and safety. Disinfection tablets are harmful to human body, especially in the case of large dosage or long-term use. Common hazards include skin irritation, eye irritation, respiratory tract irritation, etc. Therefore, when using the Cancel
    Published on: October 9, 2023 Clicks: 30

  • [ Industry News ] How many 500g quail eggs are there?

    Quail egg counting and packaging machine is a machine specially used for counting and packaging quail eggs. Through automatic sorting, counting and packaging, it can efficiently complete the packaging of quail eggs. The working principle includes the steps of automatic feeding, counting, packaging and sealing of quail eggs. This machine can improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and ensure product consistency and accuracy
    Published on: October 8, 2023 Clicks: 34

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good granulator for fish oil?

    The fish oil granulator is a kind of equipment used for the packaging of pills. Its advantages are as follows: 1. Efficient and fast: the fish oil granulator adopts automatic operation, which can quickly and accurately count and package pills. Compared with manual operation, it is faster and can improve production efficiency. 2. Accurate counting: The fish oil counting machine has precise sensors and control system, which can accurately count pills
    Published on: October 7, 2023 Clicks: 31

  • [ Industry News ] Welcome the Mid Autumn Festival and National Day

    Welcome the Double Festival, Mid Autumn Festival and National Day! The Mid Autumn Festival and the National Day are two important traditional festivals in China. People celebrate these two festivals in various ways. In the Mid Autumn Festival, people will get together with their families and share delicious food. The most classic is to enjoy the moon. Family and friends get together, enjoy the bright full moon, and taste the moon cakes. At this moment, the happiness of reunion is permeated in everyone's heart.
    Published on: September 28, 2023 Clicks: 27

  • [ Industry News ] How can soft sweets be boxed according to the set quantity? Fang Xing - Here comes the granulator for bag fudge!

    The fudge feeding bag granulator, also known as the fudge packing machine, is an automatic equipment used to sub pack the fudge into bags. The utility model can realize efficient, rapid and accurate packaging of soft candy into bags, which is suitable for the production and packaging industry of soft candy. Soft candy is a kind of candy with soft taste and delicious taste. It is usually made of sugar, pectin, food coloring and other ingredients. Bagging several capsules means
    Published on: September 27, 2023 Clicks: 32

  • [ Industry News ] Chlorine tablets need several pieces of packaging How to choose a good packaging machine?

    All chlorine tablets should be stored in a dry, cool, dark, ventilated place and out of the reach of children. Its packaging sealing performance is good, otherwise the chlorine released by the chlorine containing disinfectant is harmful to human health. Chlorine poisoning may occur if a large amount of chlorine is inhaled. Chlorine tablet counting machine is a kind of equipment used to calculate and separate chlorine tablet quickly and accurately. Its main advantages are as follows
    Published on: September 26, 2023 Clicks: 36

  • [ Industry News ] How to count and pack nail shot cartridges?

    The nail ejection pellet counting machine is a device used to shoot nails or similar objects. Usually, nail shot cartridges will be packaged into a certain number of boxes for users to purchase and use. Nail shot pellet counting machine is a kind of machine equipment used to pack several pellets of products. It is usually used for packaging of small granular materials that need accurate measurement, such as hardware, plastic, diode, pin, etc
    Published on: September 22, 2023 Number of hits: 29

  • [ Industry News ] What is a soft candy can packaging machine?

    Soft candy granulator is a special packaging equipment, which is used to automatically count and package soft candy. The soft candy can packaging machine is an application form of the soft candy granulator, which is specially used to put the counted soft candy into the cans for packaging and sealing. Soft candy granulator is applicable to the food industry, especially in the field of soft candy production and packaging. It can effectively improve the packaging efficiency and quality of soft sweets,
    Published on: September 21, 2023 Clicks: 24

  • [ Industry News ] The application of granulator in pharmaceutical industry

    Pelletizer is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, mainly for counting and packaging of tablets, granules and capsules. Several common applications of the tablet counting machine in the pharmaceutical industry: 1. Tablet counting: The tablet counting machine can efficiently count the tablets quickly and accurately, and sub pack them into the kit, bag or bottle. This improves the accuracy of counting and saves labor costs. two
    Published on: September 19, 2023 Clicks: 28

  • [ Industry News ] Can pet freeze-dried food be packed by counting?

    Pet freeze-dried food is a high-value snack, and its packaging and counting are very important for manufacturers. Introduction to the pet freeze-dried food counting and packaging machine: the pet snack freeze-dried counting and packaging machine can be set according to the needs of the enterprise, the quantity can be set according to the type of freeze-dried food, and the freeze-dried food can be output according to the set quantity, so as to ensure that the number of pet freeze-dried snacks in each packaging bag is accurate
    Published on: September 18, 2023 Clicks: 34

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good packaging machine for candle accessories?

    The granulator is a machine that can accurately pack candle accessories according to a certain number through automation technology. In contrast, manual counting requires manual operation. The granulator can improve production efficiency, and is more accurate and reliable in mass production, avoiding human errors. Working principle and characteristics of the counting machine for candle base accessories: number of candle base accessories
    Published on: September 15, 2023 Clicks: 23

  • [ Industry News ] Advantages of snack fruit dry counting packaging machine

    With the improvement of people's living standards, snacks have become an indispensable part of modern life. As one of the snacks, dried fruit is popular among consumers because of its unique taste, rich nutrition and other advantages. In order to meet the market demand, more and more enterprises began to invest in dried fruit production. In the production of dried fruit, the counter packaging machine for snack dried fruit should
    Published on: September 14, 2023 Clicks: 39

  • [ Industry News ] Which is better, 2 yuan vitamin C or hundreds of yuan vitamin C?

    There are many vitamin C products on the market, some are two or three bottles, some are two or three hundred and one bottles, and the two or three hundred and one bottles usually say that they are natural and better. So, is there really a difference between natural vitamin C and synthetic vitamin C? Is natural vitamin C really better? In fact, from the perspective of human vitamin C supplementation, natural vitamin C and synthetic vitamin C are fundamental
    Published on: September 13, 2023 Clicks: 21

  • [ Industry News ] What are the advantages of counting packaging of dumplings over traditional weighing packaging?

    Dumpling counting packaging has the following advantages over traditional weighing packaging: 1. Improve packaging speed and efficiency: Dumpling counting packaging machine can accurately count and fill a certain number of dumplings without repeated weighing. In contrast, the traditional weighing packaging needs to pour the dumplings into the weighing machine for weighing, and then distribute them into the packaging bags according to the weight. This process is relatively
    Published on: September 12, 2023 Clicks: 31

  • [ Industry News ] How to count and pack small bags of snack food? (Count small bags into large bags)

    Leisure snacks are generally packaged in small packages for convenience, and then packed in large bags or boxes in a certain amount. Each bag and box has a fixed quantity, so we can use our granulator to count and pack. How to count and pack leisure snacks accurately and quickly is a problem for many manufacturers, and even the demand for mixed flavor packaging. Fangxing Leisure Food Meter
    Published on: September 11, 2023 Clicks: 49

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good counting packaging machine for fasteners and hardware?

    Small part fastener counting and packaging machine is a kind of equipment used for automatic counting and packaging of small part fasteners. It uses advanced counting technology to accurately identify and count various types of fasteners, such as screws, nuts, bolts, etc. By properly packaging the counted small part fasteners, the production efficiency can be improved, the labor cost can be reduced, and the product quality and
    Published on: September 8, 2023 Clicks: 19

  • [ Industry News ] How to count and pack dried strawberries?

    Strawberry dry counting packaging machine is a kind of machine equipment specially used for packaging strawberry dry according to a certain amount. Strawberry is a popular snack with sweet and sour taste and rich nutrition. In order to facilitate sales and consumer use, dried strawberries need to be divided into small packages suitable for one-time consumption. The working principle of the counting and packaging machine for dried strawberries is to control the strawberries by computer
    Published on: September 6, 2023 Clicks: 27

  • [ Industry News ] Recommended by the manufacturer of several granule packing machine for essence

    It is very important for the daily chemical industry, such as the production of essences, to select a number of easy to use packaging machines. The following are the key points for selecting a good granulator: 1. Suitable for product characteristics: different essence products have different physical properties and requirements. Therefore, product characteristics, such as particle size and viscosity of materials, should be taken into consideration when selecting a granulator. Ensure that the granulator has been processed
    Published on: September 5, 2023 Clicks: 26

  • [ Industry News ] Recommended by the manufacturer of cheese bar counting packaging machine

    Cheese bar counting and packaging machine is a kind of counting and packaging equipment used in the food industry. Its working principle is to count cheese sticks according to the preset number through advanced counting technology, and package them into bags, bottles or boxes, etc. to meet the packaging needs of manufacturers. Cheese bar counting packaging machine has the following advantages: 1. Efficient and fast: cheese
    Published on: September 1, 2023 Clicks: 45

  • [ Industry News ] Recommended by the manufacturer of the packing machine for mixing several building blocks

    The Fangxing Building Block Mixed Material Counting Packaging Machine is an efficient and accurate packaging equipment. The toy mixed material Counting Packaging Machine has a wide range of applications and can be used for counting packaging of building blocks, beads, stationery particles and other granular items. The machine adopts advanced working principles, which can automatically complete the steps of counting and packaging, greatly improving production efficiency and reducing labor costs. Fangxing Building Block Mixed
    Published on: August 31, 2023 Clicks: 31

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good counter packaging machine for hardware?

    Hardware counting and packaging machine is a kind of equipment used to count and package hardware according to the set quantity. Compared with counting hardware by hand, hardware counting packaging machine has the following advantages. First of all, the hardware counting packaging machine can greatly improve the work efficiency. Traditional manual counting often requires a lot of time and manpower, while counting packaging machine can
    Published on: August 30, 2023 Clicks: 43

  • [ Industry News ] Recommended by the manufacturer of automatic counting machine for steamed buns

    Shanghai Fangxing has been focusing on counting and packaging several capsules for 40 years, and the product quality is reliable. Shanghai Fangxing's steamed bun counting machine can accurately count frozen foods such as dumplings, steamed buns, Shaomai, soup dumplings, etc. In addition, Shanghai Fangxing Steamed Bun Counting Machine also provides a variety of packaging methods, such as bags, boxes, bottles, etc., to meet the different needs of manufacturers. The bun counting machine is made of medical 304 stainless steel, easy to use
    Published on: August 28, 2023 Clicks: 23

  • [ Industry News ] How to count and pack mixed capsules?

    The point packaging of mixed capsules can be realized by using the mixed capsule counting machine. The working principle of this equipment is that it can count and package multiple materials at the same time through the cooperation of counting system, packaging system and hybrid system. The high-speed CCD quantitative counting technology is used in the mixed capsule counting packaging machine, which is simple and reliable in operation and can accurately count and bag capsules
    Published on: August 25, 2023 Clicks: 27

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good counter packaging machine for spice granules such as cardamom and angelica dahurica?

    The following factors should be considered when selecting a good spice particle counting packaging machine: 1. Speed and accuracy: The counting packaging machine should have a high speed and accurate counting function, which can count spice particles quickly and accurately. The counting packaging machine with high-precision sensor and fast counting algorithm can be selected. 2. Packaging method: bottle can be selected according to your own needs
    Published on: August 24, 2023 Number of hits: 35

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good counter packaging machine for leisure snacks and pickled eggs?

    Leisure snacks and pickled eggs are a favorite snack for consumers, and the counting packaging machine can help manufacturers accurately count and package leisure snacks such as pickled eggs. Choosing a good counting packaging machine can improve production efficiency, reduce labor costs, and ensure product quality and safety. When selecting counting packaging machine, the following factors need to be considered: 1. counting precision: counting
    Published on: August 23, 2023 Clicks: 40

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a good counting packaging machine for lollipops?

    First of all, the performance and quality of the lollipop counting and packaging machine should be reliable and stable to ensure the accuracy of counting and packaging. Secondly, the operation is simple and easy to learn, and can quickly switch between lollipops of different specifications and varieties. In addition, the maintenance of lollipop counting packaging machine should be convenient and simple, and the material should be safe and reliable, such as medical grade 304 stainless steel. Finally, consider the packaging form of the machine,
    Published on: August 22, 2023 Clicks: 43

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a hard candy fruit candy machine?

    The following factors should be considered when selecting a good candy counting machine. First of all, we should understand the principle of candy counting machine. Candy counting machine can count and pack candy by photoelectric sensor or counting device. It can automatically judge the abnormal materials of candy and eliminate them to ensure the accuracy of counting. At the same time, it can automatically complete the conversion of packaging forms, such as bags, bottles, boxes, etc. secondly
    Published on: August 18, 2023 Clicks: 23

  • [ Industry News ] Recommended by the manufacturer of counting and packaging machine for braised wheat and shrimp dumplings

    The counting and packaging machine for Shaomai and shrimp dumplings is an efficient food packaging equipment, which can quickly and accurately pack several grains of Shaomai, shrimp dumplings and other foods. Compared with manual counting, the counting and packaging machine for Shaomai shrimp dumplings has the following advantages: 1. Improve the packaging efficiency: the counting and packaging machine for Shaomai shrimp dumplings adopts automatic operation, which can quickly complete the counting and packaging task, greatly improving the packaging efficiency
    Published on: August 17, 2023 Clicks: 37

  • [ Industry News ] Which is a good counter packaging company?

    Shanghai Fangxing is a professional packaging company with many advantages and professional experience. As a high-tech enterprise, Shanghai Fangxing focuses on providing system construction services such as intelligent packaging lines for pharmaceutical, food, chemical and other enterprises. Shanghai Fangxing has a wide range of products, including granulators, tablet granulators, capsule granulators, soft candy granulators, counting packaging machines, etc. another
    Published on: August 7, 2023 Clicks: 32

  • [ Industry News ] Application of counting packaging machine in frozen food industry

    With the accelerated pace of life, more and more people begin to choose frozen food as a quick and convenient food choice. In the production process of frozen food, the application of counting packaging machine is more and more common, for example, it can be used to package frozen dumplings, soup bags, frozen fresh, frozen vegetables and fruits. Different types of frozen food need different types of counting and packaging machines.
    Published on: August 3, 2023 Clicks: 43

  • [ Industry News ] How to count and pack the metal connecting ring connector?

    Metal connecting ring connector is a common hardware accessory, which is usually produced and sold in large quantities. In order to facilitate packaging and sales, it is necessary to count the packaging. The counting packaging machine is an efficient machine, which can automatically count and package the metal connecting ring connectors. 1. Working principle: the counting packaging machine uses visual recognition technology, and uses a unique camera
    Published on: July 31, 2023 Clicks: 49

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a professional counting and packaging machine for beef tendon pills?

    It is very important to choose a professional counting and packaging machine for beef tendon pills. The first is the production demand, including the expected output and packaging form (such as bottled, bagged or boxed). The second is the accuracy and stability of the machine, which will directly affect product quality and production efficiency. It is also necessary to consider the degree of automation and ease of operation of the machine, as well as whether it is easy to clean and maintain. Compared with manual points, cattle
    Published on: July 26, 2023 Clicks: 28

  • [ Industry News ] How to count and pack dumplings?

    Dumpling is a common traditional Chinese food. For manufacturers, how to accurately count and package dumplings is an important link. The traditional manual counting method is time-consuming and laborious, and one of the modern solutions is to use an electronic counting machine. Compared with the traditional manual counting mode, the electronic granulator has many differences. First, it is more accurate and can count accurately
    Published on: July 19, 2023 Clicks: 27

  • [ Industry News ] How do enterprises choose suitable weighing and packaging machines?

    Some food manufacturers will choose different packaging methods according to different products in the packaging process. In addition to several pieces of packaging, weighing packaging is a more common method. It is suitable for some products that are relatively small or not uniform in size. How to choose a suitable weighing packaging machine? 1. Characteristics of packaging materials. For example, granular materials need multi head linear scales
    Published on: July 13, 2023 Number of hits: 48

  • [ Industry News ] What are the advantages of counting packaging for steamed buns?

    The advantage of counting packaging of steamed stuffed buns is that it can improve the efficiency and accuracy of steamed stuffed buns packaging. Counting packaging is to pack steamed buns in a certain amount and mark them on the package in the form of points, so that consumers can clearly know the quantity of steamed buns. Steamed bun counting and packaging machine is an automatic equipment, which can accurately count and package steamed buns
    Published on: July 10, 2023 Clicks: 37

  • [ Industry News ] How to quantitatively count and pack bathroom accessories?

    How to quantitatively count and package sanitary fittings is an important issue, which can be realized by waterfall visual counting packaging machine. Waterfall visual counting packaging machine is an automatic equipment, which uses high-speed camera and computer vision technology to accurately count and package items. The working principle of the waterfall visual counting packaging machine is to place the bathroom accessories to be counted in the funnel above the feed inlet
    Published on: July 6, 2023 Clicks: 42

  • [ Industry News ] How to count the automatic screw packing machine?

    Automatic screw packing machine is an efficient and automatic equipment, which is used for counting and packing screws. The counting method usually adopts material sensor or photoelectric sensor for real-time monitoring. When the screw passes through the sensor, the sensor will send a signal and count the number of screws into the system. In this way, the equipment can accurately know the number of screws for subsequent packaging operations
    Published on: July 5, 2023 Number of hits: 46

  • [ Industry News ] How to count and pack the fish plate?

    Fish plate is a very popular ingredient, which is often used to make various dishes and cuisines. Counting packing fish plate can improve production efficiency and product quality. In order to accurately count the packaged fish plates, a visual granulator is often used. The vision granulator is an advanced automatic equipment, which can count and classify objects quickly through image processing technology. Its working principle is through
    Published on: July 3rd, 2023 Clicks: 32

  • [ Industry News ] How to choose a proper counting and packaging machine for counting snacks?

    The following factors should be considered when selecting the snack counting packaging machine: 1. Counting accuracy: The counting accuracy of the packaging machine is an important indicator, which determines the counting accuracy of the packaging machine. When selecting a packaging machine, it is necessary to select a packaging machine with high counting accuracy according to production demand, shape and size of snacks and other factors. Generally speaking, packages with counting accuracy above 98%
    Published on: June 30, 2023 Clicks: 20

  • [ Industry News ] How to count and pack dental floss?

    The counting and packaging of dental floss is usually determined according to the packaging specification and the quantity to be packaged. Generally speaking, the number of floss packages will be indicated on the floss packaging bag or bottle, such as how many floss are contained in a box or bottle. Photoelectric granulator is a kind of equipment that uses photoelectric sensing technology to count materials. It detects and counts materials through photoelectric sensors
    Published on: June 28, 2023 Clicks: 49

  • [ Industry News ] How to count and pack lighting accessories?

    The counting and packaging of lighting accessories can be completed with a visual counting machine. The vision granulator is an automatic equipment, which uses computer vision technology to achieve rapid counting and sorting of goods. It can efficiently group and package items according to the preset quantity. The visual granulator collects images of objects through cameras, sensors and other devices. Then, the computer
    Published on: June 27, 2023 Clicks: 37

  • [ Industry News ] Which one is good for aluminum alloy automatic counting packaging machine?

    The working principle of Shanghai Fangxing vision granulator is to detect and count items by using a vision system, and then sort and package them according to preset parameters. The machine usually obtains the image information of objects through cameras or sensors, and uses image processing algorithms to identify and count objects. Once the items are identified and counted, the machine will count them according to the preset packaging requirements
    Published on: June 26, 2023 Clicks: 57

  • [ Industry News ] Recommended by the manufacturer of counting packaging machine for optical plastic parts

    The counting packaging of optical plastic parts is an efficient and accurate counting packaging method, which is suitable for the packaging of small products such as optical plastic parts. The following is an introduction to the counting and packaging machine for optical plastic parts: 1. Working principle of the counting and packaging machine: through the unique visual recognition function, it has broken through the bottleneck of the traditional photoelectric counting machine in counting grains. It counts grains at a high speed, with high accuracy, and can count all kinds of small grains
    Published on: June 23, 2023 Clicks: 40

  • [ Industry News ] How is the net red explosive jelly soft candy packed?

    The counting packaging machine is generally used for counting and packaging of the Internet Red Pop Pulp Soft Candy, because there may be some differences in the size and weight of each soft candy. The counting packaging machine can ensure that the quantity of soft candy in each package is the same. In the counting packaging machine, the fudge will run on the conveyor belt. During the running process, the counting and positioning will be realized through the sensor, and then the fudge will enter
    Published on: June 15, 2023 Clicks: 55

  • [ Industry News ] Which stationery production packaging needs counting packaging machine?

    Many stationery manufacturers need to use counting packaging machines in their production. In the stationery industry, the main products that often need counting and packaging machines are as follows: 1. Pen refills: In production, counting and packaging machines are needed to count and package pen refills, so as to quickly and accurately complete product packaging and improve production efficiency. 2. Pencil: Counting packaging is also needed in pencil production
    Published on: June 12, 2023 Number of hits: 30

  • [ Industry News ] What are the advantages of toy counting packaging machine?

    The advantages of toy counting packaging machine are as follows: 1. High efficiency: using automatic design, hundreds of packaging tasks can be completed every minute, greatly improving production efficiency. 2. Precise counting: Precise counting equipment can be used to count accurately, avoiding possible errors in manual counting. 3. Diversified packaging forms: various packaging forms can be carried out as required, such as bags
    Published on: June 9, 2023 Number of hits: 25

  • [ Industry News ] What are the standard specifications for counting packaging of bagged food?

    The standard specifications for counting packaging of bagged food mainly include the following contents: 1. Counting method: determine the appropriate counting method according to the shape, size and characteristics of bagged food. Generally, manual counting, counter counting and other methods can be used; 2. Packaging capacity: indicate the capacity, size and other information of the packaging bag to ensure that the package can accommodate the required amount of bagged food; 3. Count
    Published on: June 7, 2023 Clicks: 47

  • [ Industry News ] What are the advantages of meatball counting packaging?

    When many people eat frozen balls, they are concerned about one question, that is, must the packaged balls be washed? In fact, whether you need to clean the packed balls depends mainly on your personal taste and hygiene habits. First of all, we need to know about the hygiene of the packed pills. Quick frozen balls usually go through strict processing and packaging processes. Packaging materials and methods are all used to ensure the freshness and
    Published on: June 6, 2023 Clicks: 49

  • [ Industry News ] Which packaging machine should be used for mixed packaging of soft sweets with different flavors?

    In the food industry, the packaging process is crucial to the quality and hygiene of products. Soft candy is a popular snack. There are many kinds of common soft candy flavors. Some manufacturers will choose to mix soft candy with different flavors when selling soft candy. The mixed packaging of soft sweets includes counting and weighing. Then, in the packaging process, we should choose
    Published on: June 5, 2023 Clicks: 47

  • [ Industry News ] What packaging equipment does a soft candy manufacturer need? What are the types and packaging forms of fudge? What is the development direction of soft candy products in the future?

    As a soft candy production enterprise, it needs the following packaging equipment: 1. Syrup preparation equipment: including mixer, steam boiler, steam generator, etc., which is used to make soft candy syrup. 2. Soft candy molding equipment: including mixer, extruder, film rolling machine, etc., used for the molding process of making soft candy. 3. Packaging machinery and equipment: including automatic packaging machine and manual packaging machine
    Published on: May 31, 2023 Clicks: 32

  • [ Industry News ] What requirements and ideas do consumers have for the packaging of soft sweets? For consumers, is weighing packaging or counting packaging more suitable for soft candy packaging?

    As a consumer, they have the following requirements and ideas for the packaging of soft candy: 1. High hygiene safety: the packaging of soft candy should be able to effectively protect the soft candy from pollution, such as dust, bacteria, etc. 2. Easy to carry: The package of soft sweets should be easy to carry, such as bags, small hole boxes, bottles, etc. 3. Easy to control the portion size: Since fudge is a dessert, in order to avoid excessive
    Published on: May 30, 2023 Clicks: 43

  • [ Industry News ] Should fudge be packaged by weighing or counting?

    Soft candy can be packed by weighing and counting. Weighing packaging refers to packaging based on weight. The advantages are low production cost, fast production speed and the ability to produce large quantities of packaging; The disadvantage is that the size and shape of fudge are different, which makes the weight fluctuate and may affect the precision of packaging. Counting packaging is based on the quantity of fudge
    Published on: May 26, 2023 Clicks: 48

  • [ Industry News ] What kind of materials are suitable for counting packaging?

    Materials suitable for counting packaging mainly have the following characteristics: 1. Regular shape: the shape of materials should be regular, so as to ensure accurate counting, and will not be stuck or damaged in the packaging process. For example, regular shaped parts, nuts, bolts, etc. 2. Consistent size: the size of materials should be consistent as far as possible to ensure the accuracy of counting. If something
    Published on: May 25, 2023 Clicks: 32

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction to customization of counting packaging machine

    Counting packaging machine is an efficient, stable and accurate intelligent counting equipment, with a wide range of applications. It is mainly applicable to the counting of small, regular shape and similar size of materials. The application scope of counting packaging machine includes medicine, food, chemical industry, electronics, hardware and other fields. In the pharmaceutical industry, it is commonly used for counting packaging of pharmaceutical capsules, tablets and other preparations. Food line
    Published on: May 24, 2023 Clicks: 27

  • [ Industry News ] Can the automatic plastic parts of counting packaging machine be used

    The counting packaging machine is an efficient, stable and accurate intelligent counting device, which is mainly used to count small and regular shaped items. It is commonly used in medicine, food, hardware, electronics, plastic parts and other fields, and can be applied to the counting packaging requirements of most items. However, more specific analysis should be made on whether it can count plastic parts. When counting packaging is used
    Published on: May 23, 2023 Number of hits: 45

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of Soft Candy Packaging Machine

    1、 Soft candy weighing and packaging machine 1. Working principle: Soft candy weighing and packaging machine is mainly composed of multi head weighing and filling machine and packaging machine. First, the multi head scale will automatically weigh the fudge according to the set weight. Then, the weighed soft candy will be transported to the packaging machine through pipes for automatic packaging operation. 2. Advantages and disadvantages: Advantages: - It can quickly and automatically complete the fudge
    Published on: May 17, 2023 Clicks: 57

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of counting and packaging machine for soft candy

    Soft candy counting and packaging machine is a kind of machine equipment specially used for counting and packaging soft candy grains. Its main function is to count the number of soft sweets quickly and accurately, and to pack the specified amount of soft sweets in different forms, such as bags/boxes/bottles. Soft candy counting packaging machine is an efficient counting equipment, which is suitable for medicine, food, chemical and other industries. Electronic counting packaging machine for soft candy
    Published on: May 15, 2023 Number of hits: 75

  • [ Industry News ] Plastic tube cap counting and packaging machine

    1. Counting packaging machine is an automatic machine, which can count, sub pack, seal and other operations by itself, so as to achieve automatic counting, sub pack and packaging of products. 2. The working principle of the electronic counting packaging machine is to count the counted items through sensors, and then accurately sub pack the counted items to the predetermined packaging quantity and complete the sealing. 3. Plastic pipe caps are divided into different types
    Published on: May 10, 2023 Clicks: 33

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction to counting and packaging machine for small and micro materials

    1. Small and micro material counting machine is a machine specially used for counting small particles of materials. It can quickly and accurately count and pack small particles of materials through visual counting technology. 2. The work flow of the small and micro material granulator is divided into the following steps: first, the materials will be transported through the conveyor belt, enter the visual counting area, and use high-speed photography technology to carry out
    Published on: May 6, 2023 Clicks: 37

  • [ Industry News ] Principle and application range of visual counting packaging machine

    1. The visual counting packaging machine is an automatic packaging equipment, which can automatically identify, count and package items of the same shape, such as small parts, tablets, capsules, food, etc. Through image processing and computer input and output equipment, it can count and package efficiently and accurately while operating rapidly. 2. Advantages of visual counting packaging machine include: - high efficiency
    Published on: May 4, 2023 Clicks: 68

  • [ Industry News ] Detailed Introduction to Screw Automatic Packaging Machine

    Automatic screw packing machine is a kind of equipment specially used for packing small metal parts such as screws and nuts. Its main advantages are to increase packaging efficiency, reduce labor costs and improve packaging quality. The following is a detailed introduction of the equipment: 1. Working principle The working principle of the screw automatic packaging machine is mainly divided into the following steps: (1) The screw is transported to the vibrating disk through the feed port;
    Published on: April 28, 2023 Number of hits: 66

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction to the filling machine for laundry beads

    Laundry bead counting and filling machine is an efficient and accurate counting and filling machine, which is widely used in the filling of various granular materials. For laundry beads, there are various types of laundry beads on the market today. Compared with the traditional washing powder and liquid, the coagulant laundry beads are easy to carry, convenient to store and save consumption. The working process of the granulator is to coagulate the laundry
    Published on: April 27, 2023 Clicks: 44

  • [ Industry News ] Detailed Introduction to Screw Automatic Packaging Machine

    Screw automatic packaging machine is a kind of packaging equipment with high efficiency and high degree of automation, which is mainly used for counting, packaging and packaging of screws, nuts, bolts and other small parts. The equipment adopts electronic counting technology, which can accurately count, automatically distribute them to the packaging bags, and complete the sealing, heat sealing and other packaging work. The screw automatic packing machine is controlled by touch screen and PLC control system
    Published on: April 25, 2023 Clicks: 67

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of Multi material Mixed Counting Packaging Machine

    Multi material mixing counting packaging machine is a kind of equipment that can simultaneously mix multiple materials for counting and packaging. It includes a counting system, a packaging system and a hybrid system. The counting system uses high-precision sensors and counters to ensure that the quantity of materials in each bag is accurate. The packaging system can adjust the packaging speed and bags according to different bag sizes and materials
    Published on: April 24, 2023 Clicks: 33

  • [ Industry News ] Working principle of counting packaging machine

    The working principle of the counting packaging machine can be divided into the following steps: 1. Lead in materials: guide the packaged materials to the counting device through the conveyor belt or vibrating plate and other devices. 2. Counting device: the counting device will count or weigh materials to ensure that each package contains the same amount of materials. 3. Packing bag formation: After counting, the packing bag formation is normal
    Published on: April 21, 2023 Clicks: 41

  • [ Industry News ] Usage of counting packaging machine

    Counting packaging machine is a kind of mechanical equipment, which is used for automatic counting, subpackaging and measuring items, and is usually used in food, medicine, cosmetics, hardware and other industries. The following is the basic use method of counting packaging machine: 1. Prepare the demand calculation
    Published on: April 20, 2023 Clicks: 34

  • [ Industry News ] Factors to be considered in the purchase of weighing and packaging machines

    The following factors should be taken into consideration when selecting a weighing and packaging machine suitable for your factory: 1. Packaging materials: First, you should select a weighing and packaging machine that meets the nature of packaging materials and packaging needs. For example, powdery, granular, liquid or soft materials need different packaging machine models for packaging. 2. Degree of automation: according to the degree of automation, weighing and packaging machines can be divided into
    Published on: April 19, 2023 Clicks: 36

  • [ Industry News ] What are the factors affecting the price of counting packaging machine?

    The factors affecting the price of counting packaging machine include but are not limited to the following aspects: 1. Production process: the production process of counting packaging machine, selection of materials, parts manufacturing, processing technology, assembly process, etc. will affect its cost. 2. Functional requirements: the counting packaging machine has more functional requirements, such as automatic feeding, counting, packaging, sealing, coding and other functions, and the price will also
    Published on: April 18, 2023 Clicks: 22

  • [ Industry News ] Introduction of Automatic Counting Packaging Machine

    Counting packaging machine is a kind of equipment specially used to automatically count and package articles according to a fixed number. Its working principle can be briefly described as the following steps: 1. Put the items to be counted and packed into the hopper. 2. Articles enter the counting part through the vibrating conveying device and the filter screen. The counting part is usually composed of sensors. 3. The sensor adopts photoelectric
    Published on: April 17, 2023 Number of hits: 25

  • [ Industry News ] Precautions in the use of full-automatic counting packaging machine

    The full-automatic counting packaging machine is an efficient and accurate packaging equipment, but the following points should also be paid attention to in the use process: 1. Quality of raw materials: When using the full-automatic counting packaging machine, the quality of raw materials should first meet the requirements, such as specifications, weight, appearance, etc. 2. Counter setting: it is very important to set the counter according to the characteristics of raw materials
    Published on: April 14, 2023 Clicks: 29

  • [ Industry News ] The following factors need to be considered when purchasing a multi grain packaging machine

    The following factors need to be considered when purchasing a multi grain packaging machine: 1. Capacity: determine how many bags can be packed per minute by the required packaging machine according to the production demand. 2. Packaging materials: what kind of packaging materials should be considered, such as bag material and size, to ensure that the specifications and performance of the packaging machine meet the requirements. 3. Particle properties: particle size, shape and motion
    Published on: April 13, 2023 Clicks: 37

  • [ Industry News ] What's good about visual counting packaging machine?

    Visual counting packaging machine is a high-end packaging equipment, which is mainly used for counting, packaging and inspection of small commodities. The following are the advantages of the visual counting packaging machine: fast counting: the visual counting packaging machine can quickly count and detect small products without causing counting errors or omissions, which saves a lot of labor and time costs
    Published on: April 11, 2023 Clicks: 65

  • [ Industry News ] What are the impacts of chip restrictions on China's packaging machinery industry?

    The impact of chip restrictions on China's packaging machinery industry is far-reaching, which may be manifested in the following aspects: 1. Lack of key components: chip is one of the core components of high-end packaging machinery, and its restrictions may lead to the lack of key components for domestic packaging machinery enterprises, further limiting product research and development and production. 2. Rising production costs: instability of chip prices and supply
    Published on: April 10, 2023 Clicks: 41

  • [ Industry News ] What other potential industries can the counting and packaging equipment be used in?

    Several counting packaging equipment can be used in many different industries and fields, some of which are listed below: 1. Pharmaceutical industry: In the pharmaceutical industry, several counting packaging equipment is widely used in counting and packaging of tablets, capsules, soft capsules, sugar coated tablets, pills, granules and other drugs. 2. Food industry: In the food industry, several counting packaging equipment is widely used in sugar
    Published on: April 10, 2023 Clicks: 38

  • [ Industry News ] If counting packaging is selected for quick frozen food, it can have the following advantages

    1. Convenient for consumers to choose and buy: quick-frozen food is instant food. If counting packaging is selected, consumers can more conveniently choose and buy according to the required quantity. 2. Reduce packaging waste: Compared with weight packaging, counting packaging can more accurately package the required quantity, better control the materials used in packaging, and reduce waste and waste. 3. Improvement package
    Published on: April 6, 2023 Clicks: 31

  • [ Industry News ] Advantages of counting packaging machine compared with traditional weighing packaging machine

    Compared with the traditional weighing and packaging machine, the counting and packaging machine has the following advantages: 1. Higher precision: the counting and packaging machine can accurately calculate the quantity of each product, and the calculation precision will be affected due to different product weights of the weighing and packaging machine. 2. Less waste: The traditional weighing and packaging machine needs additional adjustment or correction to ensure that the quantity of each package is equal. And in
    Published on: April 3, 2023 Clicks: 128

  • [ Industry News ] Difference between counting machine and counting packaging machine

    Granulation counting machine and counting packaging machine are professional equipment for measuring and packaging goods. Although their basic functions are the same, they still have some differences in practical applications. The following is the difference between the counting machine and the counting packaging machine. The granulator is mainly used for fast, accurate and nondestructive measurement of small particles
    Published on: March 31, 2023 Clicks: 42

  • [ Industry News ] What are the advantages of counting packaging machine?

    Counting packaging machine is a kind of counting based packaging equipment. It realizes efficient automatic packaging by accurately counting the number of packaged products, and has many advantages. First of all, the counting packaging machine can adjust the quantity of packaging according to customer requirements. This function is very flexible, because customers can pack different quantities of packaging materials according to different needs, so as to meet different needs
    Published on: March 27, 2023 Number of hits: 68

  • [ Industry News ] What is the difference between counting packaging machine and weighing packaging machine?

    With the social progress and the gradual upgrading of modern production, all products produced in the factory need packaging. Packaging machinery and equipment are produced specifically for packaging products. The earliest packaging machinery and equipment were imported from abroad. We have to say that the packaging effect is very good, but the price is also very considerable, Only some large enterprises can afford to use such imported packaging machinery., Small and medium-sized enterprises
    Published on: March 21, 2023 Number of hits: 34

  • [ Industry News ] Still worrying about counting and packaging? High speed counting packaging machine to help you

    One hundred pills count in the blink of an eye. Many enterprises are worried about counting and packaging in large quantities in the production process, hoping for high speed and efficiency. In order to solve this problem, our company has developed a high-speed counting packaging machine. The high-speed vision granulator, equipped with a high-speed camera, can scan and take pictures 10000 times a second. With a unique mechanical structure and software algorithm, it realizes accurate counting. because
    Published on: January 28, 2023 Number of hits: 60

  • [ Industry News ] Everyone has a responsibility to prevent the new epidemic during the Spring Festival

    We are about to usher in the Spring Festival. In China, the Spring Festival is a festival of reunion, so many people will go home during the Spring Festival, which led to a large population migration in our country before the Spring Festival, that is, the Spring Festival transportation. But in recent years, the epidemic has occurred frequently, and the Spring Festival transportation is more likely to lead to disease infection. So we all know that the Spring Festival
    Published on: January 16, 2023 Clicks: 41

  • [ Industry News ] Antigens can't be bought, who is hoarding?

    Antigen detection reagent is hard to find. Recently, the online and offline demand for new coronavirus antigen detection reagents (hereinafter referred to as "antigens") surged, but pharmacies were out of stock and e-commerce platforms were also sold out. On many social platforms, many claim to be
    Published on: January 5, 2023 Number of hits: 50

  • [ Industry News ] How many new coronal vaccines are there?

    At present, five new coronavirus vaccines have been approved for use in China. What is the difference between these five vaccines? According to the technical route, five vaccines can be divided into three categories: first, inactivated vaccines, including three inactivated vaccines produced by Sinopharm Beijing, Sinopharm Wuhan and Sinopharm Sinovac Beijing; The second is adenovirus vector vaccine, which is produced by Tianjin Kangxinuo Company
    Published on: December 27th, 2022 Clicks: 41

  • [ Industry News ] How long will it take for Omikjon to pass from person to person after he is infected?

    From December 6, when the seal was released, more people moved, causing cold like viruses that could not be prevented from infecting other people. The incubation period of Omicron was very short. The average incubation period of Omicron was about 3 days. The incubation period of Omicron might be between 1 day and 14 days. In most cases, it was between 3 days and 7 days, that is, it would be infected within 5 days after the onset of the disease
    Published on: December 19, 2022 Clicks: 284

  • [ Industry News ] It's hard to get a cold and fever! Full automatic capsule tablet packaging line packaging machine to help!

    Since the release of the "New Ten Rules", great changes have taken place in the domestic epidemic situation. Today, the country no longer counts the number of asymptomatic infections announced to the outside world. More and more places have cancelled the nucleic acid requirements. However, the infectivity of this round of epidemic is visible to the naked eye, and more and more people are around the sun. You need to take medicine when you are positive. You need antipyretics, pain relievers and cough relievers. In order to make early preparations
    Published on: December 16, 2022 Number of hits: 75

  • [ Industry News ] Washing beads and counting packaging machine

    Shanghai Fangxing Machinery Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. is specialized in providing product counting and packaging solutions for the pharmaceutical industry, food and non food industries and agricultural industries. For a wide range of products, product counting can be considered as the most efficient and cost-effective alternative to modern weighing and handling systems. about
    Published on: December 13, 2022 Clicks: 64

  • [ Industry News ] Features of liquid filling machine

    With the continuous development of production technology, the filling equipment has gradually become intelligent. Now the filling equipment used in the production workshop is also increasingly intelligent
    Published on: November 4, 2022-12 Number of hits: 82

  • [ Industry News ] Commissioning of liquid filling machine

    After the filling value arrives, the filling gun will actively lift up and wait for the next start ■ The filling head height can be adjusted by hand, which is suitable for packaging barrels of different heights ■ This series of machines and tools can actively identify the function of empty barrels and the function of empty scales not to fill ■ The controller is equipped with all action manual buttons for manual operation in case of accidents ■
    Published on: November 3, 2022-12 Number of hits: 52

  • [ Industry News ] Daily maintenance of desiccant deoxidizer feeding machine

    Fangxing Mechanical Equipment Manufacturing Co., Ltd. adheres to the business philosophy of "choosing Fangxing, choosing reassurance", and carries out strict quality control on all links of product research and development, production, assembly, commissioning and delivery. And constantly innovate and improve the product design to ensure that the max degree of products and services meets the needs of customers. 1. It is strictly prohibited to put sundries (such as water bowls, tools and other hard objects)
    Published on: August 26, 2022 Clicks: 66

  • [ Industry News ] Operating principle of the package feeder

    One of the main purposes of the automatic equipment of the full-automatic bag feeder is to replace manual bag feeding, realize packaging automation, reduce food pollution, and improve production efficiency. Working principle of the full-automatic bag feeder: photoelectric switch detects the surface block signal, and controls the servo motor to start the cutting action through the reflected signal feedback. When the cutter is cut off and reset, start the pulling motor through the signal detected by the detection switch
    Published on: August 25, 2022 Clicks: 86

  • [ Industry News ] How to count transparent materials

    Because of the outbreak of the epidemic, nucleic acid testing has become a regular work in various regions and even many countries. The demand for transparent drops for nucleic acid testing has soared, and the supply often exceeds the demand. The labor number is inefficient and time-consuming. Similar to transparent drops, there are needles
    Published on: August 22, 2022 Clicks: 77

  • [ Industry News ] Recommended by the manufacturer of deoxidizer packaging machine

    Recommended by the manufacturer of deoxidizer packaging machine Shanghai Fangxing Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd.'s appearance of single bag desiccant deoxidizer feeder reduces the possibility that the roll disc desiccant feeder may cut the desiccant by mistake, leading to the damage and leakage of desiccant and other material packages, which may affect the health of consumers and may bring
    Published on: August 19, 2022 Clicks: 45

  • [ Industry News ] Brand recommendation of the subcontracting machine

    Brand recommendation of the subcontracting machine Brief introduction to features and uses of the machine: The bag feeder is mainly applicable to the cutting and synchronous delivery of chain deoxidizer, chain desiccant, chain flavoring bags, etc. before packaging. For example: pastry food, chewing gum, melon seeds, instant noodles, pharmaceutical, special
    Published on: August 12, 2022 Clicks: 48

  • [ Industry News ] Difference between traditional tray dryer and single bag dryer

    The difference between the traditional tray dryer and the single bag feeder: 1. The traditional tray dryer feeder is a whole roll of desiccant package, which needs to be cut out in packages and put into containers such as bottles. 2. The traditional tray dryer is widely used for traditional medicine and health care products. The advantage is that it can be achieved at a relative speed
    Published on: August 4, 2022 Clicks: 89

  • [ Company News ] Shanghai Fangxing's participation in the 28th China International Packaging Industry Exhibition

    The 28th China International Packaging Industry Exhibition, namely China (Guangzhou) International Packaging Products Exhibition (hereinafter referred to as Sino Pack/PACKINNO), was successfully concluded on March 6, 2022. Although affected by the COVID-19 epidemic
    Published on: March 8, 2022 Clicks: 168

  • [ Industry News ] The 61st CIPM National Pharmaceutical Machinery Exhibition (China International Pharmaceutical Machinery Expo) Fang Xing Packaging Exhibition Trends

    The 61st National Pharmaceutical Machinery Exhibition was successfully held in Chengdu Western China Expo City as scheduled, and Shanghai Fangxing Machinery, as a member of the council of Pharmaceutical Machinery Association, also attended the exhibition. Affected by the epidemic during the exhibition, many professional visitors from other places were unable to come to the scene, but unexpectedly, the atmosphere at the exhibition was quite warm, attracting nearly 40000 people
    Published on: November 15, 2021-15 Number of hits: 90

  • [ Industry News ] Packaging machinery is around us

    People can't live without packaging machinery, but most people have never heard of packaging machinery. What is packaging machinery? Now let's go to literacy and lower packaging machinery. The professional explanation is that it can complete all or part of the product and commodity packaging process. The packaging process includes filling, wrapping, sealing and other major works
    Published on: May 10, 2021 Clicks: 87

  • [ Company News ] Labeling machine is an important part of packaging machinery

    Due to the continuous improvement of modern people's demand for printing, it is not only reflected in the number of printing, but also the pursuit of high-quality printing. However, due to the increasing cost of printing raw materials in recent years, the printing industry is eager to seek
    Published on: August 11, 2016 Clicks: 448

  • [ Company News ] China's packaging machinery industry is developing towards integration and intelligence

    It is well known that the machinery industry is developing in the direction of integration, efficiency and intelligence. Science and technology are developing rapidly, and products are updated and replaced more frequently. In recent years, Shanghai Fangxing Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. is also facing the improvement of production efficiency
    Published on: August 11, 2016 Clicks: 564

  • [ Company News ] Common faults and precautions of food packaging machine

    No matter what kind of food packaging machinery and equipment, no matter how expensive, there will be some failures more or less in the process of long-term use. At ordinary times, the staff carries out daily and careful maintenance on the packaging machine
    Published on: August 11, 2016 Clicks: 1028

  • [ Company News ] How to deal with food packaging machine with the development of the market?

    It is an inevitable trend of social development to accelerate the transformation of the mode of economic development and promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure. The emergence of this concept is aimed at the entire production and processing industry. The development of packaging machinery industry, a major branch of the machinery industry, must also follow this new development concept. In the face of a new round of industrial upgrading and transformation, how should food packaging machinery respond to the outstanding
    Published on: August 11, 2016 Clicks: 548

  • [ Company News ] Small automatic pillow packaging machine put on the market

    Recently, a miniature automatic pillow packaging machine with novel appearance, complete functions and a price of less than 30000 yuan was successfully developed in Shanghai Fangxing Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. The packaging machine can adopt various composite packaging films
    Published on: August 11, 2016 Clicks: 527

  • [ Company News ] Shanghai Fangxing Sales Company was put into operation

    In order to better serve users, the newly established Shanghai Fangxing Packaging Machinery Co., Ltd. was established at the end of 2012. Fangxing Packaging will provide more superior packaging service and experience for users at home and abroad. The company's new office building was put into use at the end of 2012.
    Published on: August 3, 2016 Clicks: 328

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